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Invasion of aryans and there after their dominance over northern India lead to the development of Hinduism. Also many emperors spread Hinduism outside of India.

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Q: What let development of Hinduism?
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How did the development of Hinduism affect India?

Development of Hinduism made India in current from. It formed unity in diversity, without Hinduism India could never be actually unified as one country.

What is the date of dates of development of Hinduism?

3000 CE

What is the connection between the Vedas and developement of Hinduism?

The development between the Vedas and the development of Hinduism is that they share the same land and the have similar religions...... I hope that answers your question you mighty earthlings of America!

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Buddhism was devloped from Hinduism by Lord Buddha. Lord buddha was a Hindu prince by birth.

What is the connection between the Vedas and the development of Hinduism?

The Vedas are ancient texts that form the foundation of Hinduism. They contain hymns, rituals, and philosophical teachings that have shaped the religious and cultural practices of Hinduism. The ideas and concepts found in the Vedas have influenced the development of Hindu beliefs, practices, and traditions over thousands of years.

How did the religion of Hinduism devolop?

Development of Hinduism date back to more than 10000 years. According to Mythology while the first man were born Hinduism was also born.

How has Hinduism impacted the development of Judaism?

The development of Judaism occurred completely independent of the development of Hinduism. The first meaningful Jewish-Hindu relations occurred in the Middle Ages, when Jews began to arrive in India. By that point, most of the Hindu and Jewish theological constructs had developed.

Which civilization most contributed to the development of Hinduism and the caste system in India?


What were the next steps of the development and spread of Hinduism?

Coordination awareness of non hindus

Which civilization most contribute to the development of Hinduism and the caste system in India?


Which groups are given credit for the development of Hinduism?

Hinduism is religion created by God himslef. historical evidence suggests that it was developed by aryand and Dravidians in present day India.

What led to the development of Hinduism?

Hinduism is not a religion but is a mentality the religion is Santana Dharma evolution of life and civlization and society led to a common rules that became for sophisticated with time and led to Hinduism. Nobody knows the exact time of its evolution.