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God's chief interest in the Creation is righteousness.

God involves Himself in the events of history.

God is not aloof or distant (as some philosophers used to think).

God chooses those who choose Him.

God ultimately vindicates the righteous. Abraham's fame and legacy still continue.

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One lesson is unwavering patience. God gave the Holy Land to Abraham (Genesis 15), but his descendants were not able (or allowed by God) to take it until over 450 years later, in the lifetime of Joshua.

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One example is unwavering trust in God. God promised Abraham a son in his old age (Genesis 15), and Isaac wasn't born until 30 years later (Genesis 21). (Ishmael was born in the meantime [Genesis 16], but it became clear that he would not be the one to carry on Abraham's traditions [Genesis 21:12]).

See also the Related Link

More about Abraham and Isaac

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Q: What lessons can we learn from God's covenant with Abraham?
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How did the covenant change religion in Mesopotamia?

Shows how mesopotamia had a hard time to live by the Abraham and gods covenant

Symbol of gods covenant with Abraham?

The symbol of God's covenant with Abraham is circumcision, which was the physical sign of the covenant between God and Abraham's descendants. This practice was to be continued throughout generations as a reminder of God's promises to Abraham and his descendants.

What did Gods covenant with Abraham require of the Israelite's?

1) In Genesis ch.15, the Covenant Between the Parts:a) God informs Abraham of future events (the Egyptian exile)b) God promises the land of Canaan (Israel) to Abraham's descendantsc) The covenant is finalized through a demonstration of God's presence (see Genesis 15:7-9 and 15:17). Nothing is required of the later Israelites. Link: More about Abraham2) In Genesis ch.17, the covenant of circumcision:a) The promises of many descendants (17:2,3) and of inheriting the land of Canaan are repeated (17:8), but the main thing in this covenant is the promise that God will be the God of Abraham (17:7, 17:8).b) God promises that Abraham and Sarah will have a son (17:15-16), whom they will name Isaac (17:19) and who will be the continuation of God's covenant with Abraham (17:21).c) The covenant itself is manifested through circumcision, which is commanded for Abraham and his descendants (17:10).

How was abaham relationship with gods?

Abraham turned his back on all the false gods and idols in the world around him. He sought after the one true deity, that is: God, the Father and Creator of the world! Abraham walked with God and sought to learn everything he could about God, and God gladly shared it with him.

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To respect the gifts gods give mortals; though mortals might not know about the gift given to them.

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What two nations trace their lineage back to Abraham?

Israel for sure and probably some Islamic nation. however it's important to remember the Muslim are wrong because they think Abraham son who received Gods covenant was his illigetitmat (SP?) son ishmael, when in fact it was Issac, then his son Jacob.

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What is Genesis 9?

Genesis chapter 9 is about gods covenant with Noah.

Who was the first patriarch of Gods family?

Abraham was the first patriarch of gods family.

What were Gods promises to Abraham called?


How did political covenants influence biblical covenants?

The political covenant is the covenant through the nation. the biblical covenant is the covenant with God. Political influences biblical by having a preface naming the parties of agreement, having historical introduction listings that good things come for the king, the terms of agreement, proclamation of terms, witness of pegan gods, and the curses and blessings that would be given by the gods.