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The Qur'an does not specify any variant of slavery that is actually prohibited. While it does argue that manumission, the freeing of a slave, is a positive and desirable act, it says nothing about what kinds of slavery are unacceptable.

It is only Muslims of today, who were forced to free their slaves by the European Imperialists, who argue that slavery is wrong and do so without strong Qur'anic support.

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Q: What kind of slavery does the Qur'an not allow?
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What kind of slavery did the quran allow?


What slavery did the Quran allow?

The Quran does not specifically allow slavery, but it does recognize the existence of slavery during the time it was revealed. It encourages the humane treatment of slaves, urges for their eventual emancipation through acts of charity, and promotes the idea of freeing slaves as a way to seek forgiveness.

What kind of slavery did the Quran not allow?

Only slavery to Allah (God in English) is allowed in Islam. All other slavery types are not allowed in Islam; as slavery to other human master, slavery to money, slavery to power, slavery to certain habit or addiction as smoking or drinking alcohols. Before Islam era and in the early years of Islam, slavery was spread as a normal trade. Also, in wars the conquered men and women are captured as slaves. However, in Quran rules were set to limit slavery and to eliminate it gradually. Quran and Sunnah (Prophet Muhammad sayings and practices) encouraged Muslims to liberate their slaves as a way to be closer to Allah or as a penalty when committing some sins to be forgiven by Allah. Refer to question below for information on slavery in Christianity.

What does the Quran say about slavery?

Islam authorizes the taking of slaves as spoils of war.

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States that didn't allow slavery were called Free States.

What was the view of the Quran towards slavery?

I don't really know but slavery was popular during the time it was written so it probably supports slavery, just like the old testament and the new testament.

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Impossible !!!

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Yes, but there was very little slavery in that region.

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