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Q: What kind of leaves did Adam and Eve sew together to make clothes for themselves?
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Did God sew fig leaves for Adam and Eve?

No. they made them themselves.

What two popular bible characters wore fig leaves to cover themselves?

The two popular bible characters wore fig leaves to cover themselves would be Adam and Eve. They lived in the Garden of Eden and sin made them feel they had to cover themselves.

Who was the clothes first man to get clothes?

Uh.... Adam and Eve, from the bible. When they ate the forbidden fruit they realized they weren't wearing clothes, got embarrassed and made them out of fig leaves. (No idea how they managed to attach fig leaves, but they were the first people in existence) Hope that helps - I didn't quite understand your grammar.

What kind of clothing did Adam and Eve wear?

What we can say about Adam and Eve is that there is no record of how they looked, but one thing is very clear both missed their childhood.

How clothes came into existence?

They came to be from Adam and Eve

Why was clothes invented?

Different cultures wear clothing for different reasons (often a combination of reasons). Warmth, protection, denotation of status, decoration, and modesty are all reasons.

When was the clothes invented?

According to the Bible clothes were invented when God tossed Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.

What is the name of the leaf that Adam and Eve used for clothing?

fig leaves was used by Adam and eve as clothing when they discovered they were naked

Where does Adam Lambert buy his clothing?

ADAM LAMBERT has stylists, but his favourite store to shop at is 'Forgotten Saints' and Skingraft. For other clothes and products he wears see

When was cloths invented?

Do you mean 'When were clothes invented?' If so, Answer: Scientists say: It is not certain when people first started wearing clothes however, anthropologists give estimates that range between 100,000 to 500,000 years ago. Other answers: The bible says the first man and woman [Adam and Eve] were the first to invent/wear clothing. Genesis 3:7 "Then the eyes of both of them became opened and they began to realize that they were naked. Hence they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves."

What would have been Eve's dress in Bibical times?

It depends on what time period you're inquiring about.(Genesis 2:25) Adam and Eve were both naked initially, and needed no clothing.(Genesis 3:7) After their rebellion against God, they felt the need to sew fig leaves together, and cover themselves.(Genesis 3:21) God made Adam and Eve long animal skins to wear, probably for the rest of their lives.

Where do you go to buy the clothes that Adam gontier wears?

No One Really knows where Adam Gontier gets his clothes but I did get a shirt that looks exacty likes his at JC Pennys and also I got pants signed by him if that counts