Solomon, who was David's son, was a grandchild of Jesse.
Um, he did. That's kind of why they call it "Solomon's Temple".
King Solomon the son of King david built the great temple in Jerusalem.
King David was the king of Judah and Israel. The separation between the kingdoms was on the days of king David's grandson, king Rehoboam (son of king Solomon, who was the son of king David).
No Ruth was the great, great grandmother of king David.
his great-grandson
His dad's name was Jesse. Boaz and Ruth were Jesse's parents.
A dynasty is a lineage of hereditary rulers. Thus if a king is followed by his son, grandson, great grandson, and great grandson, and then the line dies out, the dynasty had four members.
king Solomon s great strength was his wisdom.
King Solomon built the great temple of god.
The King who united England in 927 was King Athelstan the grandson of Alfred the Great.
King David and his son, King Solomon built what is modern Israel into a great nation.