Yesu ananipenda
Mungu asifiwe source: Google Translate (english to swahili)
Mungu (God/Jah) akubariki (bless you). Mungu ibariki Afrika (God bless Africa) is the name of Tanzania's nation anthem, a Swahili translation of the historic African anthem from South Africa. pronounced: MOO-ngoo a-koo-ba-REE-kee small case "mungu" means idol (plural miungu) capital "Mungu" means Almighty God, Jehovah, Jah "bwana" means "lord" [addition:] in religious contexts; in all others, and in common speech, it means Mister or Sir and is used for all men and boys and in a familiar sense for women and girls, too. "Yesu" [Yesu, not Yezu] means "Jesus"
Tukutendereza Yesu - We praise you Jesus Yesu omwana gw'endiga - Jesus the lamb Omusayi gwe gunazziza - His blood washes me Nebaza (Yesu) Omulokozi - I thank Jesus the Saviour
"Jesus Christ" in Swahili is "Yesu Kristo".
"Ya Mungu" translates to "of God" in Swahili.
he is the father of Genghis khan
Mwimbie Mungu (to one person), mwimbieni Mungu (to more than one)
The Swahili phrase "Mungu asifiwe" is pronounced as "MOON-goo ah-see-FEE-way." The emphasis is placed on the second syllable of "mungu" and the second syllable of "asifiwe."
Yesu anakupenda Yesu - Jesus Kupenda - to love ana - prefix meaning an action towads you
Jesus = Yesu
Yesu Kristo.