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Theocracy is defined as:

a government operated by religious authorities who claim unlimited power in the name of God or other supernatural forces.

I just had to answer this same question except its why is it important to the American government.....

1.** In my opinion, it is important to the American government because of basic U.S history. When America was founded the colonists escaped religious persecution from Great Britain, therefore the government's modernized Establishment Clause (which is part of the 1st amendment stating that there will be a wall of separation between church and state in the United States) will forever prevent a Theocracy from happening in the future unless the Constitution were to be amended.

2.**(This is just a guess)** You could also use the examples of how its important globally considering America is made up of immigrants, even nowadays. Therefore there are so many different religions being brought to the table, AND there are so many religious issues with the Talibans, muslims and other religions, that wars could be started because of it.

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Q: What is theocracy and why is it important today?
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Who has authority in the country of theocracy?

In ancient times, the theocracy was run by priests and/or a single dictator. Today, the only country in the wordl that comes close to a theocracy is Iran, which has a supreme leader and a president.

How many Theocracy are there?

There are 2 state theocracies in the world today. The Vatican & Iran.

When religious leaders had a government it is called theocracy true or false?

Yes, when religious leaders run a government it is a theocracy. Many countries today are still theocratic.

Are all Islamic theocracies today Shi'ite rather than Sunni?

It depends on how you define theocracy. If it requires direct authority by clergy, then yes, the only theocracy today is Iran, which is a Shiite theocracy. However, if the term theocracy refers to any regime where religious clergy have an inordinate influence in shaping political policy, then many Islamic States like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, ISIL, Somalia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates are all Sunni theocracies.

What countries use theocracy today?

Many Muslim countries are governed by the principles of Islamic law, but only Iran is actually ruled by the Islamic clergy, and is therefore the only true theocracy. Afghanistan, when it was ruled by the Taliban, was also a theocracy, but now it is what might be described as a struggling democracy.

Why is theocracy important?

Understanding "theocracy" is very important since the majority of governments throughout history have been theocracies. Under theocratic governments, scientific progress, moral development, and industrialization are consistently halted and demonized. Avoiding such political systems by being able to recognize what makes a country a theocracy is critical to maintain the human endeavor.

How does theocracy exist today?

A good example of modern theocracy is Tibet and the Dalai Lama.The Dalai Lama is the leader in exile of Tibet mainly because he has been recognized as the natural reincarnated leader of the religion of Buddhism.

What is the antonym for theocracy?

There is no antonym for theocracy.

What are some disadvantages of a theocracy?

Disatvantages to a Theocracy

Was the incan empire a theocracy or a bureaucracy?

A theocracy

Who is in charge in a theocracy?

In a theocracy, the people are ruled by God. Sometimes in a theocracy, God's laws are interpreted by priests.