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I don't think you should categorize this under 'Christianity' because it is hard to get an outside view of your self maybe 'politics and society' would be a better choice perhaps something else. I'll try to answer as best I can; you have to understand that the world is no more unified than the various protestant sects it's not like the world is watching or anything you'll get a different response to this question from any country or for that matter any person in any country I mean if you go to a communist country they hate us we are a threat to their rule (however the people have no say in the matter so lay no blame on them) but if you go to a western country the main religion is probably Christianity meaning people are probably free to think what they want of Christianity because it is unchristian to make people believe in one thing or another, you may get a country that simply doesn't care, so you'll get a variety of responses.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Christianity is an organization of Christ-followers (At least, many of us think of ourselves as such).

It's hard to watch one's faith be linked to this religion called "Christianity," when the religion is wrought with hypocrisy.

I am a Christian, and do acknowledge that yes, I am a hypocrite.

We have a reputation for such, unfortunately.

Of course, Christianity by definition of biblical connotations had a much more sincere creed and passion.

My view, as a "Christian," of Christianity today?

The insincerity and self-glorification need to stop.

We need to reach out more, to tell the story of Jesus, as dictated in the gospels of The Bible.

If you run across one of us that uses the term "Christian" for purposes of self-glorification, then we're not really Christian.

All glory goes to God.

Peace be with ye.

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12y ago

Each individual forms his own views, if we must generalize, the prevailing view in the world of the gospel has always been that it is foolishness.

1Corinthians 1:18 - "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

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12y ago

There are many different people in the world and they each have there own view point on Christianity, try doing a survey.

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