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The meaning of being saved is to know the lord Jesus personaly and to admit that christ died for our sins on the cross.

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Q: What is the vocabulary word for the act of being saved from sin and allowed to enter heaven?
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How did Jesus say in the bible your heart has to be to enter heaven?

Romans10: 8- 9 The word is near you in your mouth and in your heart. In the bible Jesus says you have to believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead and you will be saved and allowed to enter Heaven.

In Islam how many levels of heaven are there what are they called who will not enter heaven?

There are numerous levels of Heaven and there is no fixed number told although many scripts in Islam realte it to being seven in number. The highest ( and the best ) one is called Firdous. The people who will not enter heaven are Jahannami.

What is believing Jesus?

Is is being able to accept Jesus christ as the lord god. your Saviour. if you believe that he died for you, you will enter the kingdom of heaven.

Is heaven always perfect?

Yes. No one that has not been forgiven and cleaned will enter heaven.

When does one enter the kingdom of heaven?

when you die

Where is the origin of born again christian?

Jesus clearly said that in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, a person must be re-born. Being baptized is being re-born in spirit.

When do you enter heaven or hell?

Not one person knows for sure when someone enters heaven or hell. Many do believe that one will enter as soon as they pass away. Other think they will enter when Jesus returns.

How many times is heaven opened?

as many times as God wants a soul to enter heaven.

What number in the bible that says who will enter heaven?


Can someone who wants to go to heaven commit blasphemy?

No. Anyone who sincerely desire to go to heaven must not blaspheme. Blasphemy is the sin of speaking lightly, derisively, disrespectfully and dishonorably of the Lord God, His Name, His character, His Son (the Lord Jesus), His Spirit (the Holy Spirit) and His Word (the Bible). No one who sins the sin of blasphemy (or any other sin for that matter) and does not repent of his/her sins will ever be allowed to enter heaven (see Revelation 20:14-15). God bless you, for having the desire to enter into heaven where He lives!

Are you allowed into heaven with no eyeballs?

Of course. The Christian God , christians are taught, is a loving god. Your entry into heaven is judged on your actions and on your beliefs not on any physical aspect. Some old cultures believed that you needed eyes, ears and other body parts but Christianty teaches that all good people can enter heaven , regardless of what body parts they leave this earth with. However, if you stabbed someone in the face so they gouged out your eyes, I think you won't be allowed in :)

How do you enter Heaven and Hell?

" It's not a Secret, & He even gave us all the Direction & Instructions on How to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven..." and it's all in The Holy Bible (KJV) only