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Jacob married two wives one named Leah and the other Rachel. Jacob had 12 sons. one of his sons was named benjamin. Benjamin's mother was rachel. The 12 sons of Jacob are the 12 tribes of Israel. Benjamin was the brother to Joseph, they had the same mother and father. We also Know that the two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh make up for the daughter Dina and the Levites who could not become tribes.

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15y ago
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11y ago

Benjamin was the son of Jacob and Rachel - Gen.35:18.

The 12 sons of Jacob became the 12 tribes of Israel.

In Gen. 49 Jacob is nearing death and he calls his sons together to give them a final prophetic blessing and in verse 27 his blessing spoken over Benjamin is a positive one. Verse 28 states "..All these are the 12 tribes of Israel...".

Moses called the tribe of Benjamin "the beloved of the Lord" - Deut. 33:12.

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14y ago

According to biblical tradition, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin formed the southern Hebrew kingdom of Judah, while the other ten tribes lived in the northern kingdom, Israel.

In the other most notable story about what the Benjaminites did, in Judges chapter 19, a man visited the city of Gibeah, of the tribe of Benjamin, when all the men of the city knocked on the door and demanded the man be given to them so that they could rape him. The owner instead gave them his virgin daughter and a concubine to rape. However, this story is so improbable and has so many close parallels to the earlier story of Sodom and Gomorrah that it is certainly a copy of that story. The events of Judges 19 never really happened.

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10y ago

The tribe of Benjamin came from the last son of Jacob and Rachel. He was also the youngest son of the twelve.

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9y ago

Benjamin is one of the twelve tribes.

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13y ago

King Saul

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Q: What is the tribe of Benjamin?
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King Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin because the book of Samuel says he was from the tribe of Benjamin. There is no reference anywhere in the Bible to King Saul being from the Tribe of Judah.

Why is it named after Benjamin?

Benjamin is a famous tribe of isareal.

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No she was not. She was either from the tribe of Judah or the tribe of Benjamin.

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Sean Paul is from Kingston, Jamaica.

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According to Matthew 1 Solomon is descended from the tribe of Judah. But that doesn't mean that Solomon isn't also a descendant from Benjamin's line. Only means there is no direct evidence.

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A Benjaminite is a Biblical descendant of Benjamin, or one of the tribe of Benjamin.

Was Jacobs son Benjamin a part of the benjamites?

The tribe of Benjamin is named after Benjamin Jacobs son.

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He was from the tribe of Benjamin (1 Chron. 8:6).

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What was the capital city of the Tribe of Benjamin?

The tribe of Benjamin was adjacent to Judah; and the capital city of the nation, Jerusalem, was shared by these two tribes. So Jerusalem could also be called the capital of Benjamin.