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Unfortunately, this question was kind of stated incompletely, but if I understand it correctly, "What does the veil being torn signify when Jesus died?"

The Templ: In the temple or tabernacle (depending on where you are) you have the regular sanctuary and the holy of holies. Nobody is allowed into the holy of holies because that is coming into God's presence. But why are we not alowed into the holy of holies? Because we are sinful. We are so sinful and God is so perfect that He can't have us in his presence. To give you a picture, your mom would never under most any circumstances allow you into the house with muddy shoes unless you took them off. But what if you personally couldn't take them off? You'd never come in the house! The only way to fix this little problem was to place a veil there.

Why Did Jesus Die: Jesus died so that we might live. How does that make sense? I think that we all can agree that we are sinners. No doubt about it. God has a penalty for sin and that is eternal seperation from God. But God isn't only just, He is also merciful. God wanted us to come home to Him, so He had His one and only Son die for us so that we might spend eternity with Him. If our sins are taken care of, we then can have a close and intimate relationship with God.

The Veil: So, if the veil was there to keep us from God because of our sins (figuratively, of course), then why was the veil torn when Jesus died. "IT IS FINNISHED!" IT IS DONE! FINNITE! No more sepperation! The death penalty has been taken care of and now we can be with God.

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Q: What is the torn signifies when Jesus is died?
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