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Q: What is the title of a minister between a bishop and a deacon?
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What is a senior Cardinal Deacon Catholic?

The senior cardinal deacon announces the name of the new pope after he has been elected. He is typically a bishop (like the vast majority of cardinals are) and, as his title suggests, he has been a cardinal deacon the longest. The senior cardinal deacon announces the name of the new pope after he has been elected. He is typically a bishop (like the vast majority of cardinals are) and, as his title suggests, he has been a cardinal deacon the longest.

What is the title of the person who leads christian services?

Father ..... What ever the guys name is or it can also be a Deccan but its a father who LEADS the service.Answer:The Christians are broken into many sects and types. The honorific used depends on the denomination who's church you are attending. Options for Catholics are varied (father, archbishop, bishop, deacon, brother, monseigneur, etc.) Protestant types have several options as well (elder, brother, reverend, mister, pastor, minister, deacon. archdeacon, prior, vicar, bishop, archbishop, sister, etc.) Sometimes an additional title like Doctor is tossed in (Reverend Doctor Smith). The military often opts for padre for protestant clergy and father for Catholic.Best thing to do is get to the church or temple early and read the bulletin (or quietly ask someone.) The name and title of the celebrant is usually stated somewhere on it.

What is the difference between a prime minister and a chief minister?

"Prime Minister" is usually the title for the head of government of an independent country, while "Chief Minister" is usually the head of government of a state or province.

What is an Archdeacon?

An archdeacon is, historically, a deacon who is the highest ranking cleric in a diocese after the diocesan bishop. Originally, the archdeacon was always an ordained deacon. As the diaconate became a transitional order in the medieval period, however, the archdeacon's office often was taken on by priests/presbyters. In this case, in some churches, the title became "vicar general". In the Anglican Communion today, an archdeacon is usually a priest who serves as a regional assistant to the bishop, like a vicar forane (dean) in the Catholic Church. In some Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, the archdeacon is the most senior deacon in the diocese, and has the privilege of serving with the bishop at those liturgies where the diocesan bishop is presiding.

What is the album with the 1978 hit deacon blues?

The album title is "Aja"

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Would you put deacon in front of the name of an attorney and esquire at the end?

Deacon is not a title associated with attorneys, but is a minister in Chrsitian churches. Esquire, usually abbreviated as "Esq." has become a courtesy title for those licensed to practice law, though it originally indicated the office of squire, just below knighthood. It is more common for attorneys to display their academic postnominal letters, such as John Smith, J.D., or Jane Doe, L.L.M.

What was the title of Saint Nicholas?

The title of Saint Nicholas of Myra was 'Bishop."

Title of cabinet members in Canada?

The title of the Cabinet members in Canada is Minister. There is the Minister of Justice Attorney General for Canada, Minister of Health, and Minister of industry, to name a few.

What is the title of the leader in Itlay?

The title is the prime minister.

Are deacons supposed to be over ministers in the church?

In the Christian Church the word 'Deacon' varies theological and denominational traditions and canons (laws). In some churches the word Deacon refers to a clerical office within the church. In others it is an euphemism for laity. In almost every instance a deacon is subordinate to the minister designate within the church. In Anglican and Catholic churches, deacons assist priests in their pastoral and administrative duties, but often report directly to the bishop. They have a distinctive role in the liturgy, their main tasks being to proclaim the Gospel, preach, assist in the administration of the Eucharist, and to serve the poor and outcast. In Scotland, the title of Deacon can refer to the president, chairperson, or head of a Masonic Lodge or Trade Guild. The etymology of the word 'Deacon' literally means 'through the dust', referring to the dust raised by a busy servant or messenger. A biblical description of the qualities required of a deacon, and of their household, can be found in The Bible, in: 1 Timothy 3:1-13.

Was a special title given to the bishop of rome?
