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pork is considered unhygenic in Islam and hence Muslims are not allowed to consume pork. same thing in Jewish religion. and interestingly even in bible Jesus (pbuh) says he shoved all the satans into pork and still christians consume pork.

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Q: What is the teaching of Islam regarding pork?
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Muhammad started teaching Islam religion in the year of 610 A.D

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Why can't people eat pork?

Eating Pork is haram (unlawful) in Islam and Judaism.

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Per Islam religion, pork derived medicines are allowed (are halal) if there are no other substitutes. Allah is the All-Knowing.

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Islam is the religion based on the teaching of Muhammad.

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There is no specific Islam diet but there are food that are forbidden to eat as pork, blood, or dead animals.

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Islam is the religion Muslim is the person who follows Islam's teaching

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Yes! They can't eat pork.

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