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A farmer sows some seed. The seed falls on different types of ground but only the seed that fell on the good soil grew and produced a crop.

This illustration was given by Jesus at: Mark 4:3-9, and means that the 'good news'(seed)(Luke 8:5-15)of the Kingdom will be preached 'in all the inhabited earth', being heard by all kinds of people, with all kinds of 'heart attitudes'(different soils)(Matthew 12:34+35/Matthew 24:14), but only those with humble and teachable hearts (fine soil)will respond and producelasting spiritual 'fruitage' (Matthew 13:1-9)(John 15:14-16), with God's help(Mark 4:26-29), proving themselves Jesus' disciples(John 15:8-10)(John 13:35)(1 Corinthians 3:5-9).

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Where in the Bible is the good samaritan?

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