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Hagar and her son Ishmael were abandoned in a desert near two hills, Safa and Marwa. They were abandoned by Abraham, Hagar's husband at the time. When they ran out of water Ismael ran back and forward between the two hills looking for water. when he got back empty handed he kicked the floor in disappointment and a spring appeared. This was a reward from god for all his hard work.

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Q: What is the story behind Safa Marwah?
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What are the 2 mountains called in hajj?

They are called Safa and Marwa.hope this helps! :)

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The hills of Safa and Marwah are located in the Masjid al-Haram complex in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. They hold great significance in the Muslim Hajj pilgrimage, as pilgrims perform the Sa'i ritual, walking and running seven times between the two hills, following the footsteps of the Prophet Ibrahim's wife, Hajar, in search of water for her son Ismail.

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The run between Safa and Marwah is called Sa'ee. It is part of ritual done during Umrah and Haj Pilgrimage, and one has to go around 7 times between these two mountains.

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Sa'ee is the ritual of walking back and forth seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwah during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage in Islam. It commemorates the actions of Hajar, the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim, who searched for water for her son Isma'il.

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