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The Bible says everybody is born spiritually dead. Another way of saying this is people don't have a relationship with, or know God. This is because the first man and woman did not obey God and so their relationship with God - the creator and sustainer of life - was broken. This is sin. Throughout the history of mankind - as told in the Bible - the way for a person to restore their relationship with God is to acknowledge their relationship with God is broken and to offer a sacrifice.

In the early history of mankind this is what people did. God chose the nation of Israel to be His representatives on earth. Israel was supposed to show the other nations what a relationship with God is like. But Israel turned from God and His ways and followed other gods.

So God came to earth as a man - Jesus - and died as the 'lamb of God', a sacrifice for the sin of all who believe. This is Jesus' gift of His own body and blood

If a person believes this, the Bible says God forgives the person and that person gives them eternal life.

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In the Catholic Religion it is called Communion and is the wafer and wine blessed by the priest and given to the congegation.

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the seven sacraments

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Q: What is the sacrament Of receiving the body and blood called?
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What is the sacrament of Jesus' body and blood?

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The Catholic term 'blessed sacrament' refers to the body and blood of Christ. More specifically, referring to the Wafer and Wine that is often used in church.

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The Sacrament usually refers to the Blessed Eucharist (Holy Communion) which is the actual Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord. Our Blessed Lord said that unless you eat My Body, and drink My Blood you have no life in you. It is important to give us life and help us live a holy life for God.

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What is the central sacrament in most forms of Christianity?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe central sacrament in Christianity is the most holy Eucharist, the "source and summit of the Christian life" (Vatican Council II). It is the sacrament to which all of the others tend and/or flow from. The Eucharist is the actual Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ.