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Religion helps people understand the world.

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Religion is a collection of stories, rituals, and beliefs that people need to have hope in continuing their miserable lives and shield them from the cold awful truth that our world is doomed.

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Q: What is the role of religion in a culture?
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What role did religion have on the development of the Jewish culture?

The Jews are defined by their religion. Culture is secondary and is, to a degree, subject to change and influences.

What is the role that religion plays in a culture?

religion is something you believe in, and culture is the stuff you do in your religion.

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What role did mythology have in Greek culture?

It was there religion, they believed it was all real.

What role did religion play in the aztec culture?

Religion played a central role in Aztec culture, informing every aspect of life. The Aztecs believed in multiple gods and goddesses, with a focus on human sacrifice to appease these deities. Rituals and ceremonies were conducted regularly to maintain a balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. Religion also influenced the Aztec calendar, art, and architecture.

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Their religion was based on nature.

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I think it play a religion,team and a life time

What is religions role in culture?

Religion plays a significant role in culture by shaping beliefs, values, rituals, and traditions that guide the worldview and practices of a society. It often provides a sense of identity, community, morality, and purpose for individuals within a culture. Religion can also influence art, literature, architecture, music, and other aspects of culture.

What role does religion play with culture?

you cannot separate religion and culture as both are interwoven, and culture is the seed for the generation of religion. The religion is always formed within the time frame and geographical conditions of the land to eliminate the unwanted elements of the existing culture and to arrange the prevailing culture in a systematic way

What role did religious beliefs play in the politics of ancient civilizations?

in ancient civilizations, the religion of the time and culture played a very major role in everything, including politics.

How are culture religion and spirituality connected?

Culture includes arts and lifestyle, both of which are greatly affected by religion. Religion is also shaped by the culture it's in. Spirituality is the impulse given to religion. Religion can help you develop your spiritual side.

How did language religion and culture diffuse through colonization and conquest?

Language, religion and culture were often forced on the conquered. Sometimes the original language, culture and religion were wiped out and replaced with the conqueror's religion, language and culture.