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They have giant pillow fights.

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Q: What is the role of modern day nuns?
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How does a modern day nun dress?

Modern day nuns wear habits witch are usually a full length, long sleeved, black robe with some kind of a wierd hat that goes from her head to her shoulders.

What is the difference between Medieval Nuns and modern day Nuns?

Nuns during Medieval years tended to be cloistered in convents where their main occupations were prayer and good works. Nuns today tend to be much more present in the world although not as easily recognized. They are nurses, social workers and teachers, along with those who lead more traditional lives.

What has the author Lucinda SanGiovanni written?

Lucinda SanGiovanni has written: 'Ex-nuns: a study of emergent role passage' -- subject(s): Case studies, Ex-nuns 'Ex-nuns' -- subject(s): Case studies, Ex-nuns

Why is St Angela Merici a Good Role Model?

because st Angela was the first person to find the Ursuline nuns, and she teaches them all and preyed every day

Is it true that nuns can't talk for 8 years while studying?

That is not true. Nuns do practice times of silence at certain times during the day and evening. And they do not talk in their rooms or have visitors, even other nuns, in their bedrooms.

What is an issue debated by modern day sociologists?

One issue debated by modern day sociologists is the role of technology in shaping social interactions and relationships, particularly in terms of its impact on communication, privacy, and inequality in society.

Do monks and nuns live longer than other people?

Possibly. In the Dark Ages, being a monk or nun substantially increased one's lifespan because they had access to more food and a generally easier lifestyle (depending on the monastery). Also, nuns wouldn't die in childbirth, as they weren't married, and therefore they had more chance of living longer than their married counterparts. As for modern-day monks and nuns, their peaceful and contemplative lifestyles could likely increase their lifespan, due to the relative lack of stress when compared to most modern lifestyles.

Do those who are not monks have any role in Buddhism?

Yes, those who are not ordained monks or nuns have always had an important role in the community of Buddhists. As Buddhism spread from what is today India to other eastern countries and, in the 20th century, to the west, it adapted itself to different cultures. Today in the west, most Buddhists are not celibate monks or nuns. Communities of monks and nuns are usually supported by many practitioners outside those communities. Most people today who engage in Buddhist practices designed to minimize suffering are neither monks nor nuns. .

What are the enclosed orders of nuns?

All nuns started out as cloistered, that is the very definition of a nun, as opposed to a Sister. A Sister works out in the world, classically, teaching, nursing, etc. Nuns, such as Benedictines, Cistercians, Carthusians, were all cloistered, although many, not all, modern Benedictine nuns work out in the world like Sisters. (Cloistered is the term for an "enclosed Order". Classically, Carmelites, Visitation Sisters, Franciscans, Dominicans, and many others were cloistered as well, but they are not nuns.

If Elizabeth I were still alive what do you think she would do today?

I think she would probably be proud of the role of modern-day women.

On call of duty modern warfare 2 what is nuns tube?

First off it is newb tube. and second its the rocket launcher

Why did the nuns stay behind the gate during the wedding in the Sound of music?

They were cloistered nuns and weren't allowed contact with the outside world. They took a vow of stability which means they remain in the exact same convent from the day they enter until they day they die.