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Buddhism consists of many elements that are products of the teachings of Buddha. The main practice is a strict devotion to Buddha Amitabha. Other rituals include offerings, bowing, going on pilgrimages, bowing, chanting, and deep meditation through yoga.

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In Buddhism, some common rituals and practices include meditation, chanting, bowing, and making offerings. These practices are aimed at cultivating mindfulness, developing compassion, and attaining enlightenment. Sacred elements in Buddhism include the Buddha himself, the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha), and the Sangha (the community of Buddhist practitioners). Additionally, sacred objects such as statues, prayer beads, and sacred texts are also considered significant in the Buddhist tradition.

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The sacred writing of Buddhism is Tipitaka, and is a very large book.

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None. Hinduism and Buddhism share no sacred texts.

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the sacred book of buddhism is called the tipitaka and its writen in the language pali.

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What is done while practicing Buddhism?

Buddhist practice varies among different sects, lineages and traditions. Most practices involve some form of sitting meditation, developing compassion for others, and some forms of ritual, including making offerings, visiting sacred sites, saying mantras and taking teachings, among other things.

Sacred texts of Buddhism?

The primary sacred texts of Buddhism are the Tripitaka, which is the foundational scripture for Theravada Buddhism, and the Mahayana Sutras, which are central to Mahayana Buddhism. These texts contain the teachings of the Buddha and form the basis of Buddhist philosophy and practice.

What is a sky burial?

A sky burial is a traditional Tibetan Buddhist funeral practice where a deceased person's body is placed on a mountainside to be consumed by carrion birds, typically vultures. This practice is believed to help the soul's journey to the afterlife and is seen as a way to give back to nature by returning the body to the elements.

What are the names of the sacred writings for Buddhism Hinduism and Judaism?

Buddhism: The Tipitika (Tripitika). Hinduism: The Vedas and the Upanishads Judaism: The Torah

How many part are there in tripitaka?

There are three parts to the Buddhism sacred text.

What is a sacred object?

The term sacred usually means "important to a deity. As Buddhism has no deity there can be no sacred objects. There can be relics of revered persons, important locations, etc.