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Q: What is the response when receiving the body of Christ?
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When partaking of the bread and wine in Holy Communion what is the supplicants response?

When the priest says 'the Body of Christ' or 'the Blood of Christ' the person should respond with 'Amen' signifying that he or she believes that the bread and wine are truly the Body and Blood of Christ. If you cannot honestly respond 'Amen' then you have no business receiving communion.

What is the most important ritual in Christianity?

liturgy - receiving communion (the Body and Blood of Christ)

Are people who go to church regularly better people?

No. It does mean they are regularly receiving the body and blood of Christ. It doesn't necessarily mean they are being like Christ in their community.

What does Transubstantation mean?

I think in Christian terms that it means the bread and wine actually became the body and blood of Christ as spiritual food and receiving Christ within us I could be wrong though:/

What is the response to the priest when receiving communion?


How does the sacrament of reconciliation make you a better person?

The priest in Persona Christi (in the person of Christ) forgives the penitent's sins. This isn't done by the powers of the priest, but by the power of God. Priests were given the authority to forgive sins by Jesus.

What is the eucarist about?

well in a catholic church the eucharist is about Jesus Christ. we take the bread and wine to the priest and the priest is actually Jesus but in priest form and the priest (Jesus) converts the bread and wine into the body and blood of christ. when we take the body and blood, we are receiving the eucharist. eucharist has an H in it btw

When receiving communion what do you say and the priest say?

The person holding the Body of Christ would say "This is the body of Christ" and offer it to you and you would say Amen (I believe). Another person would do the same with a chalice of God's blood and again you would say Amen. A non-Catholic should not receive communion.

What are the fruits of holy communion?

The receiving of the Indwelling Of Christ within the person.

How do you say in German the Body of Christ?

Body of Christ = Leib Christi

What is the plate with the body of Christ called?

The Body of Christ Porcelain Plate?

What is the body's response to injuries?

Inflamation is the body's normal response to injury. (: