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This body of water figured prominently in Jesus' earthly ministry. A number of times the Son of God spoke from a boat to great crowds assembled on its wide, pebbly shore. (Mr 3:9; 4:1; Lu 5:1-3) On one of these occasions he caused some of his disciples to have a miraculous catch of fish and called Peter, Andrew, James, and John to be "fishers of men." (Mt 4:18-22; Lu 5:4-11) In the vicinity of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus performed many powerful works. He healed the sick, expelled demons (Mr 3:7-12), calmed the wind and the sea (Mr 4:35-41), and walked on the water (Joh 6:16-21); once, he miraculously fed more than 5,000 people, and at another time he fed more than 4,000, each time with only a few loaves of bread and several fish. (Mt 14:14-21; 15:29, 34-38) Rightly Jesus condemned three cities in that area, Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum, for remaining unresponsive despite the many powerful works their inhabitants had witnessed.-Mt 11:20-24.

After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus appeared to some of his disciples by the Sea of Galilee and caused them to have a second miraculous catch of fish. He then stressed the importance of feeding his sheep.-Joh 21:1, 4-19.

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Q: What is the religious significance of sea of Galilee?
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The sea of Galilee isn't a continent... it's a sea. assuming you mean "What continent is The Sea of Galilee on," the answer would be Asia.

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Some local attractions and landmarks in Galilee during the time of Jesus would have included the Sea of Galilee, Mount Tabor, Capernaum (where Jesus performed many miracles), and the town of Nazareth, where Jesus grew up. These places are still visited by tourists and pilgrims today for their historical and religious significance.

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The distance from the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee is 104 miles or 167 kilometers. The Sea of Galilee is Israel's largest freshwater lake.

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The Storm on the Sea of Galilee was created in 1633.

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The sea of galilee is known for when Jesus calmed its waters.

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Capernaum is on the west shore of the Sea of Galilee

Is galilee in Jordan or Israel?

The Sea of Galilee is in Israel.

How many countries have borders along the coast of the sea of Galilee?

The sea of Galilee is within northeast Israel. There are no other countries that border this sea.The sea of Galilee is within northeast Israel. There are no other countries that border this sea.The sea of Galilee is within northeast Israel. There are no other countries that border this sea.The sea of Galilee is within northeast Israel. There are no other countries that border this sea.The sea of Galilee is within northeast Israel. There are no other countries that border this sea.The sea of Galilee is within northeast Israel. There are no other countries that border this sea.

What lake did St. Peter fish in?

He fished in the Sea of Galilee which is actually a large lake and not a sea.

Do seas have saltwater?

yes the Sea of Galilee is the only sea that doesn't have saltwater yes the Sea of Galilee is the only sea that doesn't have saltwater

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Jerusalem is a city. The Galilee is an area in Northern Israel primarily formed by two mountain ranges and bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the West and the Sea of Galilee to the east. The Galilee is over 100Km (or more depending where in the Galilee) north of Jerusalem Galilee and Jerusalem are both in Israel.