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In Hinduism it is believed that Human came on this Earth to achieve THE ULTIMATE GOD. According to Hinduism the main aim of human is to see and feel GOD, hear the Voice of GOD,TASTE THE HOLY NECTOR and pronounce the name Of GOD in his every breath. Hindus believe that GOD must be and can seen within oneself. For more info go to-

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Q: What is the relevance of goals of Hinduism to Hinduism?
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What are the goals of life for Hinduism?

their goals were to live to worship 3 gods Brahama,Vinshu,and Shvia.

How is yoga and Hinduism connected?

Yoga was practiced by saints and munis to achieve the highest goals of life. Since they were hindu Yoga is connected to hinduism.

When do reliability and relevance conflict?

Reliability and relevance can conflict when there is a trade-off between the two. For example, including more diverse data sources may increase relevance but decrease reliability. It is important to strike a balance between reliability and relevance based on the specific context and goals of the research or decision-making process.

What is Hinduism's goal in life?

in Hinduism there are main 4 goals of life. They are known as Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) Kāma (enjoyment) & Moksha (liberation).

What is learned in Hinduism religion?

in Hinduism how to attain highest goals in life & how to reunite with God is learned. Also The Law of Cause and Effect (karma) & Reincarnation (punarjanma) theory.

Who is Artha in Hinduism?

In Hinduism, Artha is one of the four goals or pursuits of life, known as Purusharthas. It refers to the material and worldly wealth, prosperity, and economic well-being. Artha is considered important for leading a balanced and fulfilling life, alongside the other Purusharthas; Dharma (duty/righteousness), Kama (desire/pleasure), and Moksha (liberation/spiritual pursuit).

Is relevance a singular or plural noun?

The noun relevance is a non-count (mass) noun; relevance is expressed in degrees, for example some relevance, much relevance, no relevance.

What were some Hindu challanges?

Some of the goals of Hinduism was to attain peace and highest truth. While main problems were misconception and superstitions.

What is relevance in a sentence?

Please explain the relevance of your complaint.

Why does Hinduism present so many forms for the same god?

Hinduism is very ancient Religion. During this long time periods God took different form to achieve different goals. Thus so many forms of the same god.

How do you reach the Hindu goals?

According to Hinduism Ultimate goal of life is Moksha (liberation). Moksha (liberation) can be achieved by meditation, yoga or praying God.

What is personal relevance?

Personal relevance refers to how meaningful and significant something is to an individual based on their interests, beliefs, values, or goals. It is the subjective perception that something is important or applicable to oneself, which can influence attention, motivation, and behavior. Items that are personally relevant are more likely to be remembered and have a greater impact on decision-making.