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The Deacon is usually the right hand of the pastor. In the absence of the pastor the chairman of the Deacon Board or ministry is in charge. If the church is for any reason without a pastor the deacon(s) are in charge. That is spiritually, financially, and will give counsel when necessary.

In many traditional baptist churches the deacons pretty much run everything, this often includes the Pastor, as he answers to the Deacons. The deacons in the baptist church are the only other ordained ministry other than the pastor. Therefore the relation of the Deacons and Pastor are usually very close.

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Q: What is the relationship of the deacon to the pastor?
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Can a pastor remove a deacon?

A pastor can not remove a deacon in the Baptist church. That is one of the reasons that the requirements for deacons are more stringent than a preachers. A recommendation to the board of deacons to ask a deacon to become inactive is the only recourse.

What is the role of a deacon in the Baptist church?

He can be part of the leadership of the church and is usually always a help to the pastor. A deacon will therefore help with preaching, teaching, assisting elders and special needs people, as well as supervising church functions, and can also usually be found in pastor's meetings to help the pastor make decisions.

Who chooses the Deacons in the Baptist Church?

Yes and no. Baptists traditionally organize their churches as independent, or "autonomous", churches rather than part of a multi-church government. So that means that each church can decide for itself what rules and policies will be observed and followed. Because of this independence, many Baptist churches establish their own procedures for things like who can hire a pastor, who can be a deacon, etc... I will tell you that the large majority of Baptist churches will set up a committee of members to search for a pastor when a church is without one. The committee may or may not have people on the committee who are deacons, but the deacons will want to meet and OK the person that the search committee finds as a new pastor before he or she is hired. The role of the deacon with or without a pastor to lead the church is to be both a group of servants to the church and authoritative body alongside the pastor. Think of the pastor as the President, and the deacons as Congress, and you will get an idea of the relationship and shared responsibilities.

Why a pastor can not remove a deacon in the batist church?

Baptist churches are democracies. The church elects the deacons after recommendations by the congregation or pastor. The pastor is NOT in control of the church the members are except in Baptist churches that are called "independent" and are not affiliated with a large convection like the General Baptist or Southern Baptist. This is done so the pastor can not take too much control of the church. But the church members can vote to remove a deacon. These types of things are done at business meetings in the church.

Are elders in the Bible different than deacons in the Bible?

In the New Testament an "Elder" was classed as the same as a "Pastor". Sometimes they are referred to as Bishops or Overseers. They were the leaders in the church. A Deacon is "one who executes the commands of another, a servant. Stephen, the martyr was a deacon. Deacons today assist the pastor in different areas of service to the church.

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What are the duties of the deacon?

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