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According to the Gospel of Matthew, the magi (also called 'wise men') came following a star from the east, so that they could worship Jesus in the house where he was born. The author of Luke's Gospel knew nothing of this particular event, and the star was not recorded by any of the scribes who recorded all other interesting celestial events of the time. Even stranger is the reported ability of a star to move westward to Jerusalem then back towards the south-east to Bethlehem, where it enabled the magi to identify the exact house in which the baby Jesus was to be found.

Ian Wilson (Jesus: The Evidence) says the hard reality is that Matthew offers insufficient historicity for anyone to be confident that there was a star at all.

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Wise men wanted to find Jesus because Jesus was and still is the son of God. Who doesnt want to find Jesus? If you want proof of this, read The Bible, New Testament.

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King Herod asked the wise men to tell him where he could find Jesus, because Herod wanted to kill Jesus.

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Why didn't the wise men kill Jesus?

The wise men had for years been watching the stars and watching the signs. Back then, astrology was a science, and the wise men knew that Jesus was important. Besides, why would they kill a helpless child? There is no suggestion in the Christmas story that the wise men wanted to kill Jesus. The wise men were believed to have been of the religion known as Zoroastrianism. This religion involved the careful study of the stars as a science, but one that offered real insight. These men knelt in worship of Jesus. It is important to remember that the Gospel of Matthew actually states that states that the wise men (Magi, or kings) came from the east to worship the Christ was how born King of the Jews. There would have been absolutely no reason to kill him.

Why were the wise men excited at seeing baby Jesus?

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Who traveled from far away to find Jesus and what did they follow?

The wise men, also known as the Magi, traveled from afar to find Jesus. They followed a star, known as the Star of Bethlehem, which guided them to the place where Jesus was born.

Who wanted the wise men to tell him where Jesus was?

According to Matthew's Gospel, King Herod wanted the wise men to tell him where the baby Jesus was. Yet he did not have the men followed, nor did he take the elementary precaution of sending spies to find which house the wise men visited. Nor could he have acted on any report the wise men brought back because their descriptions of the house would have been understandably vague, since first-century streets did not have street signs and houses did not have numbers displayed. The story describes one of his era's greatest kings as being unable to carry out a simple plan. No wonder Bishop Spong finds a univeral assumption in New Testament circles that the wise men were not actual people. Herod was not really interested in Jesus.

What did the 3 wise mengive to Jesus?

The wise men gave Jesus Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh

How did the wise men find the manger where baby Jesus lay?

According to Matthew 2:7-10, the three wise men followed a star from the east and finally the star stood still over the house in which Jesus was.

How did the wise men know in which town they would find baby Jesus?

The wise men followed the star to Jerusalem and then asked Herod the Great where the "new born King" was to be born. Herod inquired of the chief priests and scribes and they told him, Bethlehem. Then the wise men followed the star to where Jesus was.

Who told the first lie in the New Testament?

AnswerProbably the murderous King Herod who said to the wise men in Matthew 2:8 "....and when ye have found him (that is, Jesus) bring me word again, that I may come and worship him." Herod of course had no worshipful intention but rather wanted to find out where Jesus was so he could kill him.

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Jesus was visited by the 3 wise men who brought him gifts of Myrrh, Frankincense and gold.