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There are so many literary forms in The Bible, drama, romance, allegory, poetry, prose and all those and others of the most beautiful forms in the English language.

Read it and see for yourself!

Drama - 1Samuel; Acts

Romance - Ruth; Song of Solomon

Allegory - Daniel: Revelation

Poetry - Psalms

Prose - Job

- Just to name a few.

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12y ago
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11y ago
Literary forms of Biblical text do nothing more than created confusion and deception. They are not Language Versions like that of the King James, they are literary interpretations of the English words from the King James, void many times of the actual Hebrew, Chaldee or Greek in which they the texts were written.

Think of them the same as passing a message form one person to another in a room of 25 people. You never get what you started with. The serious bible student needs to stick to the language interpretations and leave the literary forms alone. Its difficult to obtain an education in biblical text, better than that derived from the KJV version and the use of the Strong's dictionary/concordance. Literary versions don't trace their meanings back to the original Hebrew, Chaldee or Greek like the Language versions do. If you choose to use a literary version, you will also need a KJV version to be able to trace back the meaning of words and verses anyway, therefore they are not of much use to the bible student.
A, Example:
Consider the use of the word Natons in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The KJV used the word nations which was translated from the Greek word "Ethnos", which is where the English word Ethnic comes from. The New Life version Assumes Nation and Kingdom to be the same in the English, and leaves out the word Kingdom all together , which changes the meaning of the text.
In the King James we have Nation which is translated from the Greek word Ethnos, and we have the word Kingdoms which means a King and his Dominion. Therefore we understand there to be both Ethnic fighting and Fighting among Dominions of Kings whether the Dominion is inside a country or representative of a country. See how the Literary version changed the meanings of the text?

Today can we observe Ethnic fighting, think about how many times the word racial comes up in the news or conversation? Can we observe Kings of dominions fighting, Countries fighting among each other and inter country fighting for control? This is important to observe to the Christian as its a stake in time of observed signs. Using the Literary version would not have provided the reader with this intense an observation of this specific point in time.

The worst literary version is that which uses the doctrine of Marx & Engels and applies it to biblical text, in order to twist the meanings of those texts. That version and teaching are known as Liberation Theology. Liberation Theology is the result of Christians not heeding the warning given by Paul in Colossians chapter 2 vs 8.
A, Example:
Consider the use of the word Natons in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The KJV used the word nations which was translated from the Greek word "Ethnos", which is where the English word Ethnic comes from. The New Life version Assumes Nation and Kingdom to be the same in the English, and leaves out the word Kingdom all together , which changes the meaning of the text.
In the King James we have Nation which is translated from the Greek word Ethnos, and we have the word Kingdoms which means a King and his Dominion. Therefore we understand there to be both Ethnic fighting and Fighting among Dominions of Kings whether the Dominion is inside a country or representative of a country. See how the Literary version changed the meanings of the text?
Today can we observe Ethnic fighting, think about how many times the word racial comes up in the news or conversation? Can we observe Kings of dominions fighting, Countries fighting among each other and inter country fighting for control? This is important to observe to the Christian as its a stake in time of observed signs. Using the Literary version would not have provided the reader with this intense an observation of this specific point in time.

The worst literary version is that which uses the doctrine of Marx & Engels and applies it to biblical text, in order to twist the meanings of those texts. That version and teaching are known as Liberation Theology. Liberation Theology is the result of Christians not heeding the warning given by Paul in Colossians chapter 2 vs 8.
Today can we observe Ethnic fighting, think about how many times the word racial comes up in the news or conversation? Can we observe Kings of dominions fighting, Countries fighting among each other and inter country fighting for control? This is important to observe to the Christian as its a stake in time of observed signs. Using the Literary version would not have provided the reader with this intense an observation of this specific point in time.

The worst literary version is that which uses the doctrine of Marx & Engels and applies it to biblical text, in order to twist the meanings of those texts. That version and teaching are known as Liberation Theology. Liberation Theology is the result of Christians not heeding the warning given by Paul in Colossians chapter 2 vs 8.

The worst literary version is that which uses the doctrine of Marx & Engels and applies it to biblical text, in order to twist the meanings of those texts. That version and teaching are known as Liberation Theology. Liberation Theology is the result of Christians not heeding the warning given by Paul in Colossians chapter 2 vs 8.
The worst literary version is that which uses the doctrine of Marx & Engels and applies it to biblical text, in order to twist the meanings of those texts. That version and teaching are known as Liberation Theology. Liberation Theology is the result of Christians not heeding the warning given by Paul in Colossians chapter 2 vs 8.

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15y ago

They are perhaps too diverse to list. In general, there are narratives, poems, legal codes, prophecies, etc... Yet even these broad categories can be broken down further. For instance, there are laws apodictic and casuistic laws. Among prophecies, there are judgment oracles, salvation oracles, woe oracles, and prophetic lawsuits. One would do well to consult the works of scholars like Gunkel and Westermann for a fuller discussion.

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14y ago

The Bible is worthless nonsense. If anyone is reading it, it should be to disprove or make fun of it.

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11y ago

they are Mary having a baby

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Q: What is the purpose of the literary forms used in the bible?
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