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To kill Splicers...

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Q: What is the purpose of having a plasmid?
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Related questions

What is the best plasmid in BioShock?

There is no 'best plasmid' in Bioshock. Each Plasmid has unique benefits that are 'best' in a given situation. Having watched multiple people play through the game, each one using different combinations of plasmids effectively, the best plasmids are those that fit your play style and get the job done.

Which is the plasmid that increases resistance to antibiotics?


What plasmid that can degrade toluic acid?

TOL plasmid

How can i know if my bacteria contain plasmid or not?

You can determine if your bacteria contain a plasmid by performing a plasmid extraction followed by gel electrophoresis to visualize the presence of plasmid DNA. Other methods include PCR amplification of plasmid-specific sequences or using molecular biology techniques like restriction enzyme digestion to confirm the presence of a plasmid.

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A plasmid is a type of?

Plasmid is extrachromosomal DNA capable of self replication.

What is a self transmissible plasmid?

A plasmid which encodes genes for its own transfer.

Is a MD higher than a PHD?

They are both doctorates but having a different purpose and scope.They are both doctorates but having a different purpose and scope.They are both doctorates but having a different purpose and scope.They are both doctorates but having a different purpose and scope.They are both doctorates but having a different purpose and scope.They are both doctorates but having a different purpose and scope.

What is a helper plasmid?

A helper plasmid is a type of plasmid used in molecular biology to aid the replication and maintenance of another plasmid within a host cell. It often contains genes necessary for the replication or transfer of the target plasmid, and can provide other functions such as antibiotic resistance or visualization markers.

How many plasmid slots can you have in BioShock 2?

You can have a maximum of 8 plasmid slots.

What is the term for a plasmid that contains a foreign gene?

Recombiant DNA

What is plasmid curing?

Plasmid curing is the process of obviating the plasmid encoded functions such as antibiotic resistance, virulence, degradation of aromatic compounds, etc. in bacteria. Several plasmid curing agents have been reported in literature, however, no plasmid curing agent can eliminate all plasmids from different hosts.