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The purpose of an imam (properly spelled without capitalization) is to provide an Islamic leadership position. The most common form is the leadership in a mosque or worship role.

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Q: What is the purpose of an Imam?
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What is an lmam?

Imam means leader. Imam is a person who leads the prayer class. A person who has done great research in some field of Islam is also called Imam e.g. Imam in Jurisprudence (Fiqah) or Imam in Hadith.

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A Muslim priest is known as an Imam. He is a religious leader who, unlike the Catholic priest, does not have to remain unmarried.ImamThe word "Imam" in Arabic means "leader". In common parlance in Arabia, an Imam is referred as any person who holds a leadership position. Thus an Imam could be anybody who leads the congregational prayers, or one who is the leader of a mosque or any other Islamic institution.

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