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lay investiture

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Q: What is the practice of appointing non-clergy members to high church positions called?
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What is the practice of appointing non clergy members to high church positions?

lay investiture

The practice of appointing non clergy members to high church positions was called?

lay investiture

What is the practice of appointing non clergy members to high church positions called?

lay investiture

What factors do you think the prime minister takes into account when appointing the members of Cabinet?

what factors do you think the prime minister takes into account when appointing the members of the cabinet

Who apoints cabinet members?

The executive branch is responsible for appointing all cabinet members.

What did Napolean base promotions on?

Merit was the theory. However, as a personal practice he appointed family members to high positions in the countries that he invaded and occupied.

How does the president check the suprme court?

The president checks the supreme court by appointing members of the court.

What is the practice of granting favors of positions to relatives?

The practice of granting favors or positions to relatives is known as nepotism. It involves giving preferential treatment or opportunities to family members, often based on their relationship rather than their qualifications or merit. Nepotism can be detrimental to fairness, transparency, and equal opportunity within organizations or societies.

Can Hillary Clinton appoint Bill Clinton to the cabinet?

No. If Hillary Clinton had become president, she would not have been able to appoint her husband. As a result of President John Kennedy appointing his brother Robert to be Attorney General, new rules were put in place to prevent family members from being appointed to federal positions.

How are the members of India's Supreme Court appointed?

Research has shown that the members of India's Supreme Court are appointed by the President of India. The President relies on the advice of the Union Cabinet before appointing a Judge.

Which of these government positions do Israeli citizens vote for?

for the members of the knesset

Can family members be appointed to high governmental positions like Robert Kennedy was appointed by his brother the president?

yes they can, there is no law that says that the President can not appoint his family members to Governmental positions