The pope is the head of the Catholic Church. He is elected by the College of Cardinals upon the death of the preceeding pope. Each pope is recognized as the successor to St. Peter, whom Jesus designated as the head of his church upon his own death. The pope's decisions on Catholic doctrine are absolute. The pope lives in Vatican City, which is in Rome, although it is not part of Rome or of Italy. The Vatican City is an independent country. All that being said, it is also a fact that the Catholic Church is very large, including millions of people, and we are diverse enough to have differing opinions on the pope, his role, his importance, and his succession to St. Peter. However, after growing up as a Roman Catholic and attending 12 years of Catholic education, the above paragraph is what we are taught and believe in school and in church.
Arrius Piso is one guy who Catholics believe have a relationship with all the popes.
There have been 15 popes named Benedict (there was no Benedict X) and all were Catholics.
Popes are chosen by cardinals in a conclave during which, as a group and as individuals, they pray for guidance of the Holy Spirit to help them choose the new pope.
None. Catholics, particularly members of the clergy, are forbidden from joining the Masons.
Vatican City
Both popes named John Paul were Catholics. being a male Catholic are the two requirements for being elected as pope.
Popes do not elect popes. Popes are elected by the cardinal electors.
It depends upon which denomination within Christianity your referring to. For Anglicans it is the 'See of Cantebury' while for Catholics it is the Popes and Greek Orthodox it is the Patriarch of Jerusalem. It varies.
St. Malachy wrote a number of prophecies about later popes but all are so vague, they can be interpreted in several ways. Few Catholics put much stock in them. However, evangelical Protestants seem to have more interest in the prophecies than most Catholics.
The prophecies of Saint Malachy are so vague and general that they each could apply to many of the popes. Only in hindsight can we try and find a link to the pope being described and then it is often a tenuous connection. Many Protestants seem to place more importance on the prophecies than do most Catholics. They are of some interest but should be taken with a grain of salt.
The vast majority of popes have been Italian. As of February of 2013 there have been only 18 popes from other countries.
There have been 17 popes from France, the second behind Italian popes.