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The point or purpose is to produce unlimited products, to get rich, by exploiting the principles and properties of physical science, the laws of nature, or materials, and to sell/ use those products for maximum pleasure by the senses of the body. All ethical, moral, or spiritual wisdom is mostly ignored in doing this.

In other words, it leads to hell.


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Q: What is the point of view of scientific materialism?
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What is a point of view that is personal rather than scientific?

A personal point of view is based on individual beliefs, opinions, and experiences, while a scientific point of view is rooted in empirical evidence, logic, and analysis. Personal viewpoints may be subjective, emotional, and influenced by personal biases, whereas scientific viewpoints aim to be objective, logical, and evidence-based.

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Individualists who encourage competition, innovation, and materialism.

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Materialism is the view that matter is the ultimate constituent of reality, arguing that everything in the universe, including thoughts, feelings, and consciousness, can ultimately be explained by physical processes.

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From a scientific point of view I believe so.

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Scientific materialism views religion and science as incompatible because it emphasizes empirical evidence and natural explanations over supernatural beliefs. It argues that religious claims lack empirical evidence and are not testable by scientific methods, thus posing a challenge to scientific inquiry.

What is defined as a point of view based on personal beliefs or preferences rather than on scientific evidence?

Subjective point of view is based on personal beliefs or preferences rather than on scientific evidence. It is influenced by individual experiences, feelings, and opinions, leading to a perspective that may not be objective or universally applicable.

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scientific temperament is the way we look at the world in a scientific manner. to brainstorm about whether a certain product works, looking at it in a scientific point of view, is an example of this. for instance, i once got an item called the 'height increaser', consisting of an accu-pressure pad with magnets on it. a lay man would fall for this trick out of desperation, but in a scientific point of view, how can this help you grow tall? hope you benefited from this article. please rate.

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Hard materialism posits that everything can be explained by physical processes, while soft materialism allows for the possibility of non-physical phenomena influencing the physical world. Soft materialism is more flexible and open to the idea of consciousness or mental states existing beyond physicality, whereas hard materialism strictly adheres to a reductionist view of the world.

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Minimising bias:?

By seeking to make their analysis scientific and objective.- By seeking to explain behaviour from the point of view of the experiencing persons.

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Materialism or physicalism.

What is the name of the person that collects the evidence from the bones?

If this question refers to evidence from an historical point of view, such as studying dinosaur bones, the answer is palaeontologist.If the question refers to the collection of evidence from a scientific/medical or even criminal point of view, the answer is forensic anthropologist.