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Christianity, Buddhism and Islam are the 3 main religions.

Christianity is the largest faith system in Australia. The majority of Australian Christians are Protestant (such as Anglican and Presbyterian). About a quarter of Christians in Australia are Roman Catholic and there are a smaller number of Eastern Orthodox. Pentecostalism is rapidly growing.

Census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2007 indicated that Christians formed 63.9% of the population, with Buddhists at 2.1% and Muslims at 1.7.

Catholics made up 25.8% of the population, Anglican 18.7%, Uniting Church 5.7%, Presbyterian and Reformed 3.0%, Baptist 1.6%, Lutheran 1.3%, Pentecostal 1.1%, Other Protestants 3.7%, Orthodox 2.7%, Oriental Orthodox - 0.2%, Hindu 0.7%, Jewish 0.4%, Other religions 0.5%.

18.7% of the population described themselves as having no religion, while 11.9% did not state any allegiance.

New census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012 indicates that Christians now form 61.1% of the population, with Buddhists at 2.5% and Muslims at 2.2%.

Catholics make up 25.3% of the population, Anglican 17.1%, Uniting Church 5.0%, Presbyterian and Reformed 2.8%, Baptist 1.6%, Lutheran 1.2%, Pentecostal 1.1%, Eastern Orthodox - 2.6%, Other Christians 4.5%.

Also, in Australia there is a very small percentage of the traditional indigenous people who have their own spirituality which does not fit into any of the above categories (except "unspecified").

22.3% of the population described themselves as having no religion, including 28% of people aged 15-34. 'Not stated' is not yet available.

It is important to note that Australia has no official state recognised religion and freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution. Some Australians do not identify with any particular religious faith and may describe themselves as spiritual, agnostic or atheist.
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7y ago

According to the 2006 census, 64 per cent of Australians identified as Christian, a drop of 7 per cent from a decade earlier. Even though people may profess to be of a certain denomination, whether they actually practise their faith is open to conjecture. With wave after wave of Immigration to Australia we are constantly being exposed to new cultures and their religions.

According to the CIA World Factbook, the percentage of Roman Catholics in Australia is 26.4%, Anglicans make up another 20.5%, while other Christian denominations make up 20.5% of the population.
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9y ago

it very few percemtage abot 1% of teh total population

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7y ago

The national census taken in 2016 shows that 52 per cent of Australians identified as Christian, a proportion that is falling rapidly.

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