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You get to burn in hell for all eternity with the rest of us sinners.

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Q: What is the penalty for immoral acts?
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What acts are illegal or immoral?

Illegal acts are actions that are against the law, such as theft, assault, or murder. Immoral acts are actions that are considered morally wrong by society, such as lying, cheating, or harming others intentionally. Both illegal and immoral acts can have negative consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

Will your licensce be revoked if you are found guilty of an immoral act in which the motor vehicle was used?

No. Immoral is not illegal. While immoral acts can frustrate other people, there aren't actually any rules saying you can't be immoral. However, some acts on the road are ALSO illegal as well as immoral. But if it just immoral, and not illegal, then your licence will not be revoked, you will not be fined or anything (unless it was dangerous).

Is the death penalty immoral?

The answer to that depends on the person you're asking. I, for one, think it's immoral. Killing someone is never the right answer. After all, maybe the person actually was innocent.

What are the moral and immoral acts in the movie devils advocate?

The story is full of them from beginning to end.

What is acts man?

What a human does as opposed to what God does.

Can you behaviorally predict an individual will do unethical or immoral acts?

Behavior in childhood can sometimes be indicative of radical or sociopathic behavior in adulthood, and these behavior patterns often result in unethical or immoral acts. This kind of behavioral prediction is not foolproof, and people can often resist such behavioral patterns.

Are all human acts in violation of certain law are consider immoral?

Not all acts that violate a law are necessarily immoral. Some laws may be unjust or unethical themselves, while some moral principles may not be codified in law. The morality of an act depends on a variety of factors beyond just legal compliance.

Kinds of human acts and their explanation?

Human acts can be categorized as moral and immoral, depending on their conformity with ethical principles. Moral acts are those that align with virtues such as honesty, kindness, and fairness; immoral acts are those that violate ethical norms. Understanding and reflecting on the consequences of our actions can help us make responsible choices and promote ethical behavior.

What is a sentence using the word humbled?

He was humbled by the honor bestowed upon him. The politician had been humbled by the revelations of his immoral acts.

Are there any forbidden acts in atheism?

No, atheism has no dogma. All it is is a lack of belief in a god or gods. Only what we decide to forbid ourselves to do. Religion does not have a monopoly on morality, and just as there are moral and immoral theists, there are moral and immoral atheists.

What is the status of homosexuality in Cameroon?

As of 2014, same-sex sexual acts are banned in Cameroon with a penalty of 5 years imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 to 200,000 francs.As of 2014, same-sex sexual acts are banned in Cameroon with a penalty of 5 years imprisonment and a fine of 20,000 to 200,000 francs.

What is the fire code of the Philippines?

it is law which describes an act/acts or conditions/conditions which describes a fire a hazard and provides penalty/penalties for such act/acts or condition/conditions.