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No names are given for any fallen angels. It is debatable however, how all this happened. Scripture doesn't speak much on it and the story we hold to about Satan defecting along with 1/3 of the angels may not be how it actually happened. Many disagree because it is difficult with what little we are told (minus the passages we tend to automatically make about Satan that may not be). And an extra note: Lucifer is not a biblical name for the Satan. That was part of the original KJV translation and is not an accurate name for the Satan, the devil, the "adversary".

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The Bible does not give the names of these wicked angels. It simply says: "So down the great dragon was hurled; the original serpent; one called DEVIL and SATAN, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth. He was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him."(Revelation 12:9)

The words 'SATAN' and 'DEVIL' are not names, but descriptive titles.

Satan means 'opposer' and devil means 'slanderer'.

The angels that followed Satan became known as 'demons', but the Bible does not mention them by name, as they are not worthy of being remembered.


The Bible symbolizes angels as "stars" [see Rev.1:20 & 12:4]. In other words... look up at the night sky and "try to count how many stars there are." That's too many to count. And that's how many angels God created in the beginning.

Now read Revelation 12:4; referring to the great Dragon's [Satan's] setting up of his coup attempt against God's throne in heaven in the beginning; where he tried to become the God of the universe. He coerced ONE-THIRD of God's "innumerable company of angels" [Heb.12:22] to follow him in that resulting "war in heaven" [see verse 7].

This present world is and has been in "subjection" [Heb.2:5] to the influence of Satan [the god of this world] and his demons ever since they were cast down to the earth in the beginning. And they have subjected and influenced man from the first moment Satan ['...that old Serpent..." - see Rev.12:9] introduced himself to Eve.

Biblical Truth be known: this world is rife with demons that man can't see and doesn't believe in. And in his failure to recognize them, he's invented the modern "mental health business" that tries to control these undetectable demons with mind-altering drugs.

Jesus, in the course of casting many such demons [unclean spirits] out of people when He walked the earth as a man, queried of the demon in one possessed man: "...'What is your name?'..." (Mark 5:9 NLT New Living Translation).

Who replied: "...LEGION, because THERE ARE MANY OF US HERE INSIDE THIS MAN." (same verse)

The quantity assigned to a "legion" comes to us from a Roman measurement; which started out as many as 6000 soldiers [servants and slaves]! But which later was reduced to around 1000 to facilitate "greater mobility" in the Roman ranks.

In that "one man" that day that Jesus inquired of the demon's name, there were anywhere from one-thousand to six-thousand demons possessing him! In and of itself too many to name.

So, how many is "one-third of too many to count?" That's how many angels followed Satan... and were cast down to earth with him [see Rev.12:9]. Even if we knew their names... the list would be too long to attempt.

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13y ago

There are many many angels, way to many to list here but I will list the Archangels according to the Book of Enoch. You may not have heard of this book but it is quoted from in the New Testament leading me to believe that the Apostles believed it to be true.

Michael and Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel are what I believe are God's Archangels, (This is my opinion, I could be wrong)

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Gabriel and Michel.

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