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Allah is the Arabic name of God. He is the God of all prophets since start of mankind. accordingly, there is not only one prophet of Allah (God in English) but many prophets. 25 out of them are mentioned in Quran. Among those prophets are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.

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11y ago

The Holy Prophet Mohammad, Peace and Blessings be upon him, is mentioned 4 times in the Holy Quran:

1 - Aal-e-`Imran Chapter 3 : Verse 145

2 - Al-Ahzab Chapter 33 : Verse 41

3 - Muhammad Chapter 47 : Verse 3

4 - Al-Fath Chapter 48 : Verse 30

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11y ago

(1) He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined upon Noah and that which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus - to establish the religion and not be divided therein. Difficult for those who associate others with Allah is that to which you invite them. Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns back [to Him]. (Consultation: 13)

(2) Has there not reached you the news of those before you - the people of Noah and 'Aad and Thamud and those after them? No one knows them but Allah. Their messengers brought them clear proofs, but they returned their hands to their mouths and said, "Indeed, we disbelieve in that with which you have been sent, and indeed we are, about that to which you invite us, in disquieting doubt." (Abraham: 9)

(3) Has there not reached them the news of those before them - the people of Noah and [the tribes of] 'Aad and Thamud and the people of Abraham and the companions of Madyan and the towns overturned? Their messengers came to them with clear proofs. And Allah would never have wronged them, but they were wronging themselves. (The Repentance: 70)

(4) The people of Noah denied before them and the [disbelieving] factions after them, and every nation intended [a plot] for their messenger to seize him, and they disputed by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth. So I seized them, and how [terrible] was My penalty. (The Forgiver: 5)

(5) Then do you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your Lord through a man from among you, that he may warn you? And remember when He made you successors after the people of Noah and increased you in stature extensively. So remember the favors of Allah that you might succeed. (The Heights: 69)

(6) And recite to them the news of Noah, when he said to his people, "O my people, if my residence and my reminding of the signs of Allah has become burdensome upon you - then I have relied upon Allah. So resolve upon your plan and [call upon] your associates. Then let not your plan be obscure to you. Then carry it out upon me and do not give me respite. (Jonas: 71)

(7) Allah presents an example of those who disbelieved: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were under two of Our righteous servants but betrayed them, so those prophets did not avail them from Allah at all, and it was said, "Enter the Fire with those who enter." (The Prohibition: 10)

(8) Those were the ones upon whom Allah bestowed favor from among the prophets of the descendants of Adam and of those We carried [in the ship] with Noah, and of the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We guided and chose. When the verses of the Most Merciful were recited to them, they fell in prostration and weeping. (Mary: 58)

(9) Indeed, We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And we revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the book [of Psalms]. (The Women: 163)

(10) And O my people, let not [your] dissension from me cause you to be struck by that similar to what struck the people of Noah or the people of Hud or the people of Salih. And the people of Lot are not from you far away. (Hud: 89)

(11) And [mention, O Muhammad], when We took from the prophets their covenant and from you and from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary; and We took from them a solemn covenant. (The Clans: 7)

(12) It was said, "O Noah, disembark in security from Us and blessings upon you and upon nations [descending] from those with you. But other nations [of them] We will grant enjoyment; then there will touch them from Us a painful punishment." (Hud: 48)

(13) And We have already sent Noah and Abraham and placed in their descendants prophethood and scripture; and among them is he who is guided, but many of them are defiantly disobedient. (The Iron: 26)

(14) We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, "O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a tremendous Day. (The Heights: 59)

(15) He said, "O Noah, indeed he is not of your family; indeed, he is [one whose] work was other than righteous, so ask Me not for that about which you have no knowledge. Indeed, I advise you, lest you be among the ignorant." (Hud: 46)

(16) And it sailed with them through waves like mountains, and Noah called to his son who was apart [from them], "O my son, come aboard with us and be not with the disbelievers." (Hud: 42)

(17) And the people of Noah - when they denied the messengers, We drowned them, and We made them for mankind a sign. And We have prepared for the wrongdoers a painful punishment. (The Criterion: 37)

(18) And We gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - all [of them] We guided. And Noah, We guided before; and among his descendants, David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron. Thus do We reward the doers of good. (The Cattle: 84)

(19) And it was revealed to Noah that, "No one will believe from your people except those who have already believed, so do not be distressed by what they have been doing. (Hud: 36)

(20) [But] he said, "I will take refuge on a mountain to protect me from the water." [Noah] said, "There is no protector today from the decree of Allah, except for whom He gives mercy." And the waves came between them, and he was among the drowned. (Hud: 43)

(21) And We certainly sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them a thousand years minus fifty years, and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers. (The Spider: 14)

(22) And Noah called to his Lord and said, "My Lord, indeed my son is of my family; and indeed, Your promise is true; and You are the most just of judges!" (Hud: 45)

(23) And We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, "O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him; then will you not fear Him?" (The Believers: 23)

(24) Like the custom of the people of Noah and of 'Aad and Thamud and those after them. And Allah wants no injustice for [His] servants. (The Forgiver: 31)

(25) Noah said, "My Lord, indeed they have disobeyed me and followed him whose wealth and children will not increase him except in loss. (Nooh: 21)

(26) And how many have We destroyed from the generations after Noah. And sufficient is your Lord, concerning the sins of His servants, as Acquainted and Seeing. (The Night Journey: 17)

(27) And if they deny you, [O Muhammad] - so, before them, did the people of Noah and 'Aad and Thamud deny [their prophets], (The Pilgrimage: 42)

(28) They said, "O Noah, you have disputed us and been frequent in dispute of us. So bring us what you threaten us, if you should be of the truthful." (Hud: 32)

(29) Indeed, We sent Noah to his people, [saying], "Warn your people before there comes to them a painful punishment." (Nooh: 1)

(30) [Noah] said, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You from asking that of which I have no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and have mercy upon me, I will be among the losers." (Hud: 47)

(31) And [mention] Noah, when he called [to Allah] before [that time], so We responded to him and saved him and his family from the great flood. (The Prophets: 76)

(32) The people of Noah denied before them, and they denied Our servant and said, "A madman," and he was repelled. (The Moon: 9)

(33) Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of 'Imran over the worlds - (The Family of Imraan: 33)

(34) The people of Noah denied before them, and [the tribe of] 'Aad and Pharaoh, the owner of stakes, (The letter Saad: 12)

(35) And [We destroyed] the people of Noah before; indeed, they were a people defiantly disobedient. (The Winnowing Winds: 46)

(36) And Noah said, "My Lord, do not leave upon the earth from among the disbelievers an inhabitant. (Nooh: 26)

(37) And the people of Noah before. Indeed, it was they who were [even] more unjust and oppressing. (The Star: 52)

(38) And We had certainly sent Noah to his people, [saying], "Indeed, I am to you a clear warner (Hud: 25)

(39) And [Noah] said, "Embark therein; in the name of Allah is its course and its anchorage. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful." (Hud: 41)

(40) The people of Noah denied before them, and the companions of the well and Thamud (The letter Qaaf: 12)

page 2

(1) O descendants of those We carried [in the ship] with Noah. Indeed, he was a grateful servant. (The Night Journey: 3)

(2) And Noah had certainly called Us, and [We are] the best of responders. (Those drawn up in Ranks: 75)

(3) They said, "If you do not desist, O Noah, you will surely be of those who are stoned." (The Poets: 116)

(4) [Noah] said, "O my people, there is not error in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds." (The Heights: 61)

(5) When their brother Noah said to them, "Will you not fear Allah? (The Poets: 106)

(6) [Noah] said, "My Lord, support me because they have denied me." (The Believers: 26)

(7) The people of Noah denied the messengers (The Poets: 105)

(8) "Peace upon Noah among the worlds." (Those drawn up in Ranks: 79)

searched using zekr open source software. for research better to use arabic and not translate.

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12y ago

alot of surah , but if you mean he is mentioned by his name

surah : "al fath" number 47 verse 29 last one , notes the first surah called

"al fatha" this is another one

and there is surah called "Muhammad"

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4y ago

Surah Saff (surah #61 od the Quran) ayah (verse/sentence) #6. It talks about the prophet Isa (Jesus) A.S. (Peace be upon him) preaching to his people. He gives glad tidings of a prophet who will be called Ahmed. In arabic, the root of Ahmed and Muhamad is [ح م د]. This root means "praise". Therefore, both Muhammad and Ahmed SAW (peace be upon him) refer to the same Prophet Muhammad of Islam, and his name denotes that he is often praised. This is not to be confused with praise of the Lord, reserved only for Allah the One and Only God, but people have a lot of good things to say about Muhammad SAW. However, only Allah deserves to be the Most Praised. Muhammad SAW is still, however, the prophet whom Allah sent the Quran and the Islamic rules to; he is therefore highly repected, but not in any way should he be worshipped. Allah the God is the only one to be worshipped in Islam.

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15y ago

Surah 48, ayat 29.

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