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Its called a Shroud. Not the Turin Shroud that was proved to be a Fake

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Joseph of Aramathia

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Q: What is the name of the cloth being wrap by the dead body of Jesus?
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What was the piece of cloth to wrap a dead body Egypt?

piece of cloth used to wrap a dead body

What is Jesus's shroud?

Jesus' shroud is the mythical cloth that covered the dead body of Jesus, but there is no record of this in the Bible. Rather, this scripture illustrates the manner of Jesus' burial. Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes with the spices, as the manner of the Jews is to bury. (John 19.40)

What does the color white on the cross represent during Easter?

It represents the cloth that wrapped the body of Jesus and was left in the grave when he rose from the dead on Easter morning.

What is the Spokane Indians customs?

I know one custom... to bury a dead body, you have to wipe any blood with a cloth and busry the piece of cloth with the dead body

What is the Hindi meaning of Quafan?

the cloth put up by a dead body

What piece of cloth is used to wrap a dead body?

A burial shroud.S something that you wrap a dead body in so that other people can't see them.

Did Jesus rise from the dead and if so was his resurrection of the body or strictly of the soul?

Those who believe in Christianity believe that Jesus rose, body and soul, from the dead. That he was a living body still was proved for them when the apostle Thomas touched the wounds on Jesus's body and put his hand into the hole in his side.

Is jesus was rising from the death or his body was hidden?

Jesus did arise from the dead , from the tomb. he was a very much living, breathing Jesus.

What did pharaohs put in the stone coffin?

Well, first of all, who do you mean when you say "they", and if you are reffering to Jesus being crucified, then "they" put Jesus into the stone coffin. After "they" brutaly ripped Jesus' living body apart, hung him by his wrists (I believe) and feet/ancles, and murderd him, "they" (the people who hated God/Jesus and believed otherwise that Jesus was not the true masiah, but a demond) wrapped him in white cloth and set him in the stone coffin. The stone coffin was used the same way that we do with burying the dead, just in a different way. Instead of burying the dead in the ground, they would place them in tombs. Three days after they set Jesus in the coffin/tomb, he arose from the dead. (just as he said he would before this all happend) I hope I wasnt way off subject there.

How was the dead person's body prepared at the time of Jesus?

At the time of Jesus, the dead person's body was typically washed and anointed with oils or perfumes. It was wrapped in burial cloths, often with spices, and placed in a tomb or grave. Occasionally, the body may have been placed in a cave or catacomb.

How to make a mummy?

You embalm it after the body is really dead. to make they need to take thing out of your body then clean it dry it the wrap it in cloth and put it in a box or a coffin

Why do people use coffins for on the Day of the Dead?

To confine the dead body, plus, when the body is buried it stops the body being eaten or rotting.