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It's called a mezuzah.

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Q: What is the name of Jewish prayer object on doors?
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What is another name for the Jewish amidah prayer?

Its other name is the Shemoneh-esrei prayer.

What is the name of a Jewish man's scarf?

Jewish men wear a tallit (or tallis) during prayer services.

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A prayer shawl called a Tallith.

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why give children Hebrew name?

Giving a child a Hebrew name is a Jewish tradition. The Hebrew name is used when a Jew is called up to the Torah during a prayer service for an honor. It is also used on the Jewish marriage document, as well as many other things.Giving a child a Hebrew name is a Jewish tradition. The Hebrew name is used when a Jew is called up to the Torah during a prayer service for an honor. It is also used on the Jewish marriage document, as well as many other things.

What is the name of the ancient Jewish liturgical prayer?

Which one? There are lots of them. The Amidah (the standing prayer) is the central prayer of every Jewish service. It is clearly ancient. The various Kaddishes that punctuate organized Jewish worship, serving as doxologies, are ancient. The Shema (Hear oh Israel ...) is even more ancient, as is the Baruch Shem Kavod (Praise the Holy Name) response to the Shema. Another candidate is the Priestly Benediction (May the Lord bless you and keep you ...).

What is the name for the Jewish special day of rest and prayer?

The Sabbath day of rest is called shabbat in Hebrew.

Why does your Jewish boss choose to have a small box on his doorframe?

that box is sometimes called a mezuzah although that name means that area of the door, there is a blessing and quotation of the Torah called the shema and in that prayer it commands you to have that paragraph on the front of your doors and gatess

What is the box called Jews place on their head?

Tefillin (Jewish name) or Phylacteries (Greek name). These boxes contain parchments with Torah-verses written on them and are worn by Jewish men during the morning prayer. See Deuteronomy ch.6.

What is the Hebrew name for prayer shawl?

The Hebrew name for the 'prayer shawl' is 'tallit'. Many Jews of European decent also refer to the tallit as a 'tallis'. Jewish people do not call it a prayer shawl.The tallit is traditionally worn only by men (and in some synagogues, only married men) for morning prayer services. The only time when a tallit is worn for evening prayers is on Yom Kippur.

What is the name of the prayer that the Jews still pray today for the one true God?

Shema Yisrael. While the Shema announces Jewish monotheism clearly, nearly every Jewish prayer invokes the one true God, describes Him, and is directed towards Him. Almost every major prayer since the writing down of the Siddurim is still used, so there are no outmoded prayers, so to speak.

What is the name for an ancient Jewish liturgical prayer?

Shema Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad.Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.