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Day - 1. 8th of Zilhajja: (Day of Tarwiya) Taking bath, putting on Ahraam (two sheets of untailored cloth), going to Haram i Pak, making intention of performing Hajj, offering two Nawafil and reaching the field of Mina (preferably) before Zuhar Prayer and staying there.

Day - 2. 9th. (Day of Arfaa) Offering Fajr Prayer and reaching the field of Arafaat (the main ritual of Hajj). Offering Zuhar and Asar prayers (Qasar) behind the Imam in Masjid - Namra - if possible. Staying there till sunset, offering Prayers and praying to Almighty Allah Karim. Leaving the field of Arafaat just at sunset without offering Evening Prayer. Coming to Muzdalfa at night offering Maghrib and Isha Prayers together. Staying there at night. Collecting 49 small pebbles for stoning the Jamraats.

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Q: What is the name given to the 8th and 9th day of zull hajj?
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Hajj can only be performed at Mecca during the month of Zil Hajj, between 8th and 13th. (th is the chief ritual. If somebody can't go to Mecca, Hajj is not obligatory to him

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The Hajis go to Mina on the 8th of Zilhajja.

What is the pilgrim called in Islam?

Pilgrimage in Islam is called Hajj. A pilgrim in Islam is called Haji or Hajjan. Hajj is performed in Makka during the 8th to 13th of Zil Hajj, the last month of the Hijri Calendar.

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Hajj is performed only during 8th to 13th of the month of Zil Hajja. During other days it is called Umra.

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It is not usually given a specific name but it could be referred to as the Constitution of Lycurgus after the legendary 8th Century law giver.

What day is hajj?

It is during 8th to 12th day of the month of Zil Hajjah. The main ritual is on the 9th, the stay in the field of Aerafat.

Why would people think that hajj does not bring equality?

Hajj may not bring equality in the world, but it shows that all people are equal in the eyes of their Creator, Almighty Allah. All the pilgrims, the Kings, Emperors, Prime Ministers and the common Hajis, are clad in two untailored white sheets of cloth during the days of Hajj, 8th to the morning of 10th until they complete the Hajj main rituals.

Does the Hajj have a specific month on the Islamic Calendar?

From 8th to 13th of the last month of Islamic calendar- the month of Zil Hajja.

Is hajj of 1981 hajj e Akbar?

Shia:If you mean akbar, I can answer you that, we have at least some hadis in this regard. In a hadis witch narrated from Imam Sadigh(AS) that he said: "the greater haj is yavm Al-Nahr (ead al-azha, 10'th of zelhajja') and the miner is umra'". Man la yahzor Al-Faghih v3 p376.It has been wrongly believed that if the 9th of Zil Hajja (the Day of Arfa) falls on Friday, it is Hajj-i-Akbar. Actually, Umra is Minor Hajj. A person who performs Umra is also Haji (Pilgrim). The Hajj that is performed during 8th to 13th of ZilHajja is Hajj-i-Akbar. The Day of Arfa may fall on any day of the week.

What is the meaning of the Urdu word Hajj?

Hajj means pilgrimage to Makkah. Hajj means to strive, to struggle, to make effort. Idiomatically Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam that is obligatory on each Muslim man and woman once in life. That is performed at Makka Mukarma during 8th to 13th of Zil Hajja, the last month of Muslim/Islami calendar.

Is hajj on the same day every year?

The pilgrimage occurs from the 8th to 12th of Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar. Because the Islamic calendar is about eleven days shorter than the Gregorian year, the Gregorian date of Hajj changes each year.