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A torn piece of Torah scroll could be called gvil or klaf.

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Q: What is the name given to a ripped Torah?
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What do you do if a page of the Torah is ripped?

Repair it. The Torah-scroll parchments can be sewn.

What is the name given to the Torah scroll container?

The Ark of the Covenant

What is the Basis for the Jewish Torah?

The Torah states that it was given by God.

What is the name given to the five first books in the bible?

The books of Moses or also"Pentateuch" and "Torah" for the Jews

Date of Torah?

The Torah was given by God 3323 years ago.

How would you use Torah in a sentence?

torah is the law of God as given to Moses. The Torah is important to follow

Torah as a girl's name?

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What happens to the Torah scrolls wen they are to used and worn?

When a Torah is no longer usable it is given a proper burial.

What does Divrei Torah mean?

Diver Torah, plural for a davar Torah, is a lesson given by someone to a group of people that is related to the section of the Torah being read that week

What is the special name given to the genesis exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy?

These five books are called the Pentateuch, the books of the law, and the Torah.

What is the Torah's Hebrew name?

The word 'Torah' is Hebrew.

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