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Most movements against the Catholic Church have been called heresies, the general title, there have been many: The Catholic Church is nearly two thousand years old, there have been untold heresies which were religious movement against the Church in that time. A short list of the "Great Heresies":

The Circumcisers (1st century)

Gnosticism (1st and 2nd centuries)

Montanism (late 2nd century)

Savellianism (early 3rd century)

Arianism (4th century)

Pelagianism (5th century)

Semi-Pelagianism (5th century)

Nestorianism (5th century)

Monophysitism (5th century)

Iconoclasm (7th and 8th centuries)

Catharism (11th century)

Protestantism (16th century)

Jansenism (17th century)

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Q: What is the movement that rebelled against the Catholic Church called?
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