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Q: What is the most secular Muslim society?
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Yes, she is a "secular" muslim, just like the majority of secular christians.

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When was National Secular Society created?

National Secular Society was created in 1866.

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Leicester Secular Society was created in 1851.

Is UAE a secular society?

Yes U.A.E. is a secular country.

What is the secular Muslim state in the Middle East?


What religion does Habib Koite believe in?

He is a secular Muslim.

Why is Turkey the only secular Muslim country in the world?

Why Turkey is a secular state with no official state religion?

Turkey is a Muslim country?

No, Turkey is a secular country with majority Muslims.

A sentence for secular?

Secular refers to something that is not religious or spiritual in nature, such as a secular society that is separate from any specific religion.

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Does a catholic woman have to covert to muslim in order to get married?

Married to whom? To a Catholic... nope. To a Muslim... nope if its a secular service This article has an extensive discussion on the topic. The short answer is that the Muslim faith (as do most religions) prefers to avoid interfiath marriages. So in most cases a Muslim man will only marry a fellow Muslim.