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Jerusalem. However, Jerusalem is a sacred city for also both Christians and Muslims.

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Q: What is the most sacred city for Jew's?
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What city is sacred to many religions?

It is the city of Jerusalem. It is sacred city for Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

What is sacred to Jews christans and Muslims?

the city of Jerusalem.

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The holy city for the Jews is Jerusalem. That is where the Temple of God was located

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The Torah

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Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is Islam's most sacred city.

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Jerusalem, in Israel, is a sacred city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

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Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is the most sacred city in Islam, to which millions of Muslims travel every year on Pilgrimage.

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It might be nice to know what city you're talking about. Assuming it's Jerusalem, please see the Related Question.

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