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Jewish law and tradition teach explicitly that it is impossible to know which commandments

are more or less important than others.

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Q: What is the most important commandment for Jews and why?
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Obedience to the hebrew bible's commandment to love your fellow humans as yourself. Yes it is the reason that Jews handle themselves they way they do

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Why is the first Catholic commandment the longest?

It took more words to say.Roman Catholic AnswerIf you really look at the commandments and think about them, you realize that God put them in a certain order for a reason. Obviously the first Commandment is the the most important and God is explaining exactly what He means.

Who is the most important prophet by Jews?

Moses(pbuh) one of the best messenger of Allah..!!

What was Jesus' most important message was and why?

I believe Jesus' most important message was his simple, yet profound message to his detractors when asked what was the most important commandment in Matthew 22:34-40. He told them the first commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. He went on to say that the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. This sums up the purpose of all Christians. I think the most important message from Jesus is "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Unless a person is born again they cannot love God or their neighbour.

Are the ten commandments important?

A:The Ten Commandments have a mystique for Christians that is not really there for Jews. Because of this mystique, Christians are likely to attribute greater importance to the Ten Commandments than most Jews would. They are similar in concept to many ancient religious codes, and still have some relevance today, although only in the most general terms: The first three commandments are essentially different ways of saying to worship no other god, rules which are still important to believers.The next commandment says to do no work on the Sabbath, nor to require or request others to do so or even allow an animal to do so, and is almost never honoured.The fifth commandment is to honour your father and your mother, a useful social rule usually observed out of filial love rather than by bringing to mind a commandment. In any case, whether we honour our parents is not something that can usefully be enforced by commandment unless we return to stoning children to death for striking their fathers.The sixth commandment, do not kill, is too general and too obvious to need to be stated in this way. It is the law that ensures we do not kill others, not the commandment, so this is no longer important.The seventh commandment, do not commit adultery, is too ill-defined. For example, in Old Testament times it was adultery for a man to have sex with the wife of another Jew but, although married himself, not with a single woman, widow or prostitute. The commandment was intended to protect the property rights of Jewish men and is not important today unless we redefine it to suit modern norms.The eighth commandment, do not steal, is too general to be the foundation for modern ethics. It is the law that ensures we do not commit robbery offences, fraud, tax evasion and so on, not the commandment, so this is no longer important.The ninth commandment, do not bear false witness against your neighbour, would have originally been intended for some situations now seen as perjury, but has not formed the basis of our criminal law in respect to perjury. It is also commonly seen as a commandment against telling lies, but would only be important today if it affected behaviour, which is doubtful.The tenth commandment says not to covet that which belongs to your neighbour, including his wife and slaves. Wives are no longer thought of in Western society as a man's property and slaves are no longer permitted, thus reducing the importance of this commandment.

Who summarisd the 10 commandments into one new commandment?

Jesus. And He actually summarized it into two. "And one of the scribes came up and . . . asked [Jesus], "Which commandment is the most important of all?"29Jesus answered, "The most important is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.30And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' 31 The second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these." - Mark 12:28-31