As an adjective:
they explain the true meaning of confirmation and the whole purpose of the sacrament
It means the Giving Of the Holy Spirit.
Approval is a process and signature is a confirmation.
Assurance or confirmation renewed or repeated., Same as Reinsurance.
We often see the dove when we view images of Confirmation. Since ancient times, the dove has symbolized the Holy Spirit descending on man in this Sacrament.
Some popular confirmation names for girls include Mary, Catherine, Theresa, and Anne. These names are often chosen for their biblical or saintly significance, and hold special meaning for those who select them for their confirmation.
The Bishop is the authority in the Catholic Church. He, like Priests, Archbishops, and the Pope, represent Christ on earth. During Confirmation, the Bishop bears witness to the vows you are making as a young adult. Confirmation accepts you into the church as a full adult member, no longer a child.
Confirmation is the confirmation of a Catholic's belief in God through a Sacrament.
Confirmation was instituted Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday.
Confirmation is a sacrament.