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It means the creator is amusing us by making cloud animals.

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Q: What is the meaning of a cloud shaped like a dove?
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What are the characteristics of a stratus clouds?

It is a cloud that is shaped like a bunny

What is the meaning of DOVISH?

Like a dove; harmless; innocent.

What does it mean if you see a cloud shaped like an angel?

Seeing a cloud shaped like an angel is not a sign or message with any specific meaning. It is simply a coincidence and could be interpreted in many ways depending on personal beliefs and perspectives.

What does the Latin word Nimbus mean?

nimbus in latin is a rain cloud, a cloud, a cloudburst, a shower Nimbus Latin, related to Nebula, nephele, properly vapour, cloud), in art and archeology signifies a shining light implying great dignity. Closely related are the halo, glory, and aureole. EDIT: Nimbus: Literally it is a violentl- pouring rain-storm. The meaning was then transferred to a could that produced such a storm: a dark raincould. From that meaning there stemmed many more: any dark cloud, anything that was shaped like a cloud, a kind headband worn by women (maybe shaped like a cloud), and a vessel for sprinkling perfume (so it poured out perfume like a cloud poured out rain).

What is a shape coming down from a large cloud that is shaped like a funnel cloud?

Most likely it is a funnel cloud. If it touches the ground then it is a tornado.

Where are the cloud coin games on HorseIsle?

All over the cloud isles. They are shaped like pegasus statues. WaxClassic - Palomino

I spy Christmas dove 32-33?

In the night sky, looks kinda like a cloud. Center top

What is the meaning of be on cloud vine?

It's "be on cloud nine" and it means to be euphorically feeling as if you are on a cloud in heaven.

What is the meaning of the idiom cold on nine?

You seem to be asking about a distorted version of the idiom "on cloud nine" meaning, extremely happy (cloud nine being a cloud in heaven, or something like that).

What is a cumulous cloud shaped like?

A cumulus cloud has a flat base and a rounded fluffy appearance. The top looks like a cotton-ball and is irregular.