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The Mass is the Catholic Church's greatest prayer and highest form of worship to the Almighty. According to Catholic Tradition, Holy Mass was instituted by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper as the new form of worship for the New Law. He did this immediately after He fulfilled the Jewish Paschal ceremonies of the Old Law, thus symbolically bridging them in order to show succession. The priesthood was instituted primarily in order to celebrate the Mass and distribute the graces which flow from it. In reality, the Mass is the unbloody sacrifice of Calvary again; since Christ is without time, He is always present at the moment of the crucifixion, and since He is the source of the priesthood as well as the sacrificial victim, the Mass is a timeless window into the moment of His death from which all grace flows and sins are forgiven. The Mass as well is perfect in that it achieves the four ends of prayer: adoration, Thanksgiving, petition and reparation. It is through Christ Jesus that we come to the Father. Christ, is high priest and unique mediator.

== == Prayer is certainly critical. However, the Mass is far more than a church service; it is the participation in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As such, it remains the center and apex of Christian experience and identity.

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The highest form of worship in the Church is the Eucharist also know as the Mass. During the Mass the actual Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord are present and offered to the Father for our salvation.

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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

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Latria. As opposed to dulia.

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Q: What is the main form of Catholic worship?
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