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It seems like the question is looking for the answer "Caliph". Caliphs used to be the "Pope of Sunni Islam". They were religious leaders and political leaders, although they were more often one than the other. (In the early period, the Rashidun Caliphs were both, the Umayyad and Abbassid Caliphs were more political than the religious, and the Seljuk and Ottoman Caliphs were more religious than political.) There has been no Caliph since the abolition of the Caliph in Istanbul by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in 1936.

There are numerous varieties of religious non-political Islamic leaders such as Imams (Islamic Priests), Qadis (Islamic Judges), Mullahs (Islamic "Bishops"), Faqihs (Islamic Jurists), 'Alems (Islamic Scholars), Ayatollahs (Shiite Islamic "Patriarchs"), and Muftis (Islamic "Archbishops"). While they may at times have political power, like the Ayatollahs of Iran, their primary function is not political. Most Islamic scholars believe that there should be a divorce between the actual rulers and the Islamic religious leadership so that Islam cannot be blunted and warped to defend immoral political practices.

There are also numerous varieties of political non-religious Islamic leaders such as Sultans, Kings, Emirs, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Governors, etc. While these individuals may have religious authority, this is not their primary function. An example of this religious function is that Sultan Suleiman I created an Ottoman Legal Code based on Qur'anic values which has been upheld by the Qadis and the Faqihs as a valid interpretation of Islamic Law.

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14y ago

AlLLAH (GOD) is not leader, because leader and ruler just lead & Rule over the state and Almighty ALLAH (GOD) is Creater,Sustainer and Command on whole Universe.

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He or she may be the Emir, the Sultan, the Supreme Leader, the President, the Prime Minister or some other title favored by his current political system.

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Muslims do not have a state, nor a leader, other than God.

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Amir al-Mu'minin is the Leader of the Muslims. Simply translated "Leader of the Believers"

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An Imam is a Muslim leader or teacher.

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He is called Imam

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