one ritual is for the women to circle the man around the chuptpah (alter) seven time, although this tradition has been change into a few different versions over the years. the is the signing of the kitubah, the marriage certificate, usually decorated and most of them are actually quite beautiful, the famous stepping on the glass and the screaming Mazel Tov! even though the act is supposed to be a solemn memory of the destruction of the Biet HaMigdash, the temple in the old times, there is also a tradition for the bride to lift up the veil of the woman to check to see if it is the woman he wants to marry, a ritual that has to do with the story of Jacob/Yakov when he accidently married Rachel's sister Leah. the guests of the party are required to entartain the bride and groom so often their friends will prepare a funny skit or practice a funny dance to show to the couple during their feast. then they go to a back room where they are supposed to "comsumate their marriage" most usuall they just use the bathroom and eat and hangout for awhile until they feel like they've been there long enough
The Cherokee traditionally worship a multitude of spirits and deities, including the Great Spirit, Aguguq (the Great Gambler), and Selu (the Corn Mother). They also believe in ancestral spirits and maintain a deep connection to the natural world.