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Theocracy is a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler. For believers, theocracy is a form of government in which divine power governs an earthly human state, either in a personal incarnation or, more often, via religious institutional representatives (i.e.: a church), replacing or dominating civil government. [1] Theocratic governments enact theonomic laws.

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A THEOCRACY is a government in which is ruled by either (1) a person who claims to be a god or (2) a person who claims to be able to determine the will of the gods. In this case, the religious authority is himself writing the laws of the country and enforcing them. A version of type one would be ancient Egypt, where the Pharaoh was considered to be a god, and who ruled based on this religious right. A version of type two would be the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is a theocracy because the Ayatollahs are all clergy of the Twelver Shiite Islam religion. Although Iran has an elected parliament, who can run in the elections (and often the results) are controlled by the non-elected Supreme Council of Ayatollahs.

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Q: What is the kind of government based on religion?
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The government of iran today is based on islamic law. What term best describes a government based on religion?

The term that best describes a government based on religion is called a Theocracy (Theo meaning God).

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Monotheistic; based upon Divine revelation.

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It is a government based solely upon religion. It depends on the religion to see what its like. Basically the beliefs the religion has are turned into laws. So if the religion says you cant eat a cow, then eating a cow would be illegal in a theocratic government.

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Canada does not discriminate based on religion and hopefully the government of Egypt will respect it's citizens regardless of religion from now on.

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A theocracy is a religion based government.

Does the scripture come from tradition?

I think it kind of depends on the kind of scripture you are speaking of, but I for most cases, the answer is no. It is based off of the word of the God of the religion and the religion's prophets

What kind of government did the Rhode Island colony have?

Democrat Government, which had freedom of religion to fellow crackmonkey's such as George Washington.