As per
Number 2
There are two testaments, the Old and the New. There are two poles, North and South. The disciples were told to go out two by two. In the Scriptures there are two places for souls. For the saved, it is heaven and for the lost it is hell. Jesus went to hell in the place of the believer and the soul of Jesus was a burnt offering there. There are two witnesses of God: Moses and Elijah and they are called the two olive trees, one upon the right side of the candlestick and one upon the left side (Zechariah 4:11). They stand by the God of the whole earth. God has two Kingdoms: the Kingdom of God (John 3) which is spiritual and the Kingdom of Heaven (Amos 9:11, Matthew 3:1) which is literal. There are two natures in the believers. In Romans 7, Paul deals with the number two because he is dealing with man's two natures: the old Adamic nature and the new nature from God which cannot sin. (I John 3:9).
2 means witness.There were two witness's in the book of Revaltion.Someone who see's and hear's first hand and can testify to the facts
We considered the 22nd Psalm, pointing to the suffering of Christ (both on the cross and in spirt), and yet anticipating God's deliverance for His seed. The cautious objection some might have, to drawing spiritual meaning from a Psalm's number, was also addressed. A span of 2200 years was noted between the birth of the recipient of a great covenant (Abram) and the tangible manifestation of its fulfillment (Christ's death). We noted that 22 = 2 x 11, and sought to modify our current definition of 11 to allow its meaning to be preserved, when doubled to 22 in reference to Christ's two encounters with God's wrath. David delivered Israel twice from the Syrians in great battles where thousands of God's enemies were slaughtered. The enemy killed in the first battle was 22,000, a number that shouts of 22. The second victory, even greater, required some math: 40,000 horsemen and 700 charioteers, totaling 40,700: a number divisible by 22; and also by 37 (a number associated with judgment and God's wrath), whose presence further indicates God has vested these numbers with spiritual meaning, which we can rightly mine for understanding. As there are 22 letters in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, the number 22 symbolizes beginning through end, completeness, and totality... aspects of the perfection required to satisfy God's law and to make payment for sin. We learned of a timespan of 2,200,000 days (a number rare for its evenness) between: the possible Creation of man; and the possible 150th day of the Flood-- the end of God's destruction of man-- when the waters were finally abated and when the ark rested. The number 22, a multiple of 11, seems to take the meaning of its "parent" number-- what Christ came to do at the 11,000th year of our planet's history-- and double it. Associated with 22 are: Christ's fulfillment of the law; His keeping of the covenant; the vanquishing of God's enemies; the satisfying of God's wrath... all of which, as we now know, were attended to doubly by the Savior: both before the foundation of the world, and in His latter appearing unto man.
The Jews and early Christians had a fascination for propitious numbers, and many examples of numerology occur in The Bible. Significant biblical numbers include 3, 7, 14, 17 and 40.
Numbers, by themselves, are not necessarily convincing, but apparently meaningful sequences can be used as evidence of divine intent. One example from the Old Testament works at two levels, first demonstrating pairs of special mathematical sequences, and at another level demonstrating that each group of those sequence adds up to the number 17. The Bible says that:
The priestly tribe of Levites was said to be descended from Levi, great grandfather of Moses who, along with Joshua, fulfilled the covenant that God gave to the patriarchs. We find a similar fascination with elegant series and the number 17 in the lives of:
Joseph, who became the leader of the Israelites in Egypt, also lived to 110 (5 X 5 + 5 X 17). Another Old Testament example of the special significance of the number 17 occurs in the life of the Bible's oldest human, Methuselah. He had his first son at 187 (17 X 11 years) and died at 969 (17 X 57 years).
Two different but related examples from the New Testament are the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke, both of which prove by numerology that Jesus was predestined to be the Messiah:
There are twelve constellations in the zodiac, and the number 12 occurs occasionally in the Bible. Jacob had 12 sons. There are supposedly 12 tribes of Israel. If the descendants of Levi, a son of Jacob, formed the priestly class, this creates a problem because there should only be 11 tribes of Israel, but this seems to have been solved by Joseph's two sons eaching heading a tribe of Israel. Jesus also had 12 disciples. These may simply be a series of coincidences, but if so they do form an unusual set of coincidences.
The number 40 also occurs frequently, perhaps simply as a shorthand way of indicating a large number or a long time.
For some in biblical numerology, the number 2 is most significant in that it represents the current divine members of the God Family: Father and Son. It is also the number of angels on the Ark of the Covenant or the number of witnesses required to condemn someone. It is a common theme in Scripture like the 'blessings and curses' chapter. Jesus said if two are gathered in His Name, He would be there.
Robert L. Thomas has written: 'Charts of the Gospels and the life of Christ' -- subject(s): Bible, Outlines, syllabi, Outlines, syllabi, etc 'Understanding spiritual gifts' -- subject(s): Bible, Biblical teaching, Commentaries, Gifts, Spiritual, Spiritual Gifts 'Revelation 8-22' -- subject(s): Bible, Commentaries
The Balm of Gilead is referenced in the Bible in Jeremiah 8:22. It is mentioned as a healing ointment or fragrance. The term is used metaphorically to symbolize spiritual healing or soothing.
22 in the Bible means for chaos and disorder.
Spiritual Appliances was created on 2000-02-22.
Spiritual Minded was created on 2002-01-22.
Spiritual Impact - 2000 2000-05-22 was released on: USA: 22 May 2000
The number 2 in numerology represents love, harmony, peacefulness, and the power of intuition.
Spiritual Impact - 2000 was released on: USA: 22 May 2000
The word "tribulation" is in the King James Version of the Bible 22 times. It is in 22 verses.
Nothing. It's just a number, like any other number. Numerology is not part of Christianity and has nothing to do with the Bible. Although many people, out of what appears their personal hatred for the Bible and Christianity, attempt to assign hidden or secret meanings to numbers and passages written in the Bible.
According to my Concordance, joyful is in the Bible 22 times.