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The entirety of the Holy Bible. Scripture.

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Q: What is the inspired word of God?
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Name reasons why Christians respect the Bible?

Christians respect the Bible because it is the inspired word of God.

Was the Bible a title given to God?

No, The Bible is the inspired word of God. Meaning , God inspired the writers to write what they did. In other words, it is God spreaking to you when you read the Bible.

Is the Holy Bible God's word?

Yes. God inspired the humans to write it.

What do you call the inspired word of God?

It's called The Bible

How can the Bible God's word and at the same time not dictated?

The Bible is recorded by men, inspired by God.

Why is the Bible called the Holy Bible?

The Bible is called the Holy Book because it is the inspired Word of God and God is holy. (Also the Holy Word of God)

Why is the Bible called a Holy book?

The Bible is called the Holy Book because it is the inspired Word of God and God is holy. (Also the Holy Word of God)

Explain the meaning of Bible is the word of god written in the words of men?

The Bible was written in such a way that humans can understand it; basically, the Bible is in layman's terms. God inspired certain men who followed Him, giving them the words to write. (Inspired by God, the Word of God was written in man's wording. )

What book is inspired word of god?

all . To my knowledge only the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God, insofar as it has been translated correctly. Other may claim that they have such books but most have taken passages or ideas from the bible.

What is Partial inspiration theory?

it views that only parts of the bible are the inspired word of God. The bible contains the word of God but is not itself the word of God.the weakness with this theory is how you can be sure of what is an inspiration/ God-breathed

Who considers the Old Testament to be the inspired Word of God?

All born again believers.

How do you look after our planet with Religious reasons?

God's will in the "inspired Word" (translations are not inspired) has always looked after the planet until we deviated from that will as in today's time.